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Here you will find links to sites that have Paintshop Pro Tutorials as well as some that I have done.
I hope you will find them useful. If you don't already have Paintshop Pro, you can download a trial version at JASC.

PSP Tutorial Links

TRAVELER'S TUTORIALS: PSP tutorials and more here.

GRAPHICS ON A BUDGET: Some excellent tutorials here.

SKELDALE HOUSE TREASURES: More great tutorials.

STATE OF ENTROPY: A lot of PSP Tutorials here.

THE HOOD: A large variety of tutorials as well as many other things.

BLUE DAFFODIL: A lot of excellent tutorials here. A must see.

Tutorials I Have Done

Easy Plastic Text: A simple way to make plastic  text.

Simple Stone Text: A simple way to make Stone Text.

Aged Photo Effect: An easy way to give your photos an aged look.

Making Lace: How to make a lace effect.

Making Recessed Buttons: How to make recessed buttons and/or text.

Making a Plaid Pattern: How to make a plaid/gingham pattern for that country look.

Making a Graph Paper Background: How to make a background that looks like graph paper.

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Viewed best at 800 x 600 resolution in MSIE 4x or Netscape 4x and above.