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Today's Date: June 7, 2004
What's the Weather Like? sunny
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Name of the animal: panther

Facts about the animal:
The panther is the official state mammal of Florida.

Florida panthers are large, long-tailed, tawny-colored cats. Males average about 7 feet in tength, including the tail, and 119 lbs. in weight. Female panthers are smaller, with an average length of 6 1/4 feet and an avera ge weight of 82 lbs. The largest known panther was a 154-pound male captured in Hendry County in 1989.

A long time ago panthers could be found all over the eastern United States. However, they were overhunted because people thought these shy cats were dangerous. Now only 30 to 50 panthers can be found in south Florida. Panther kittens can be born at any time during the year, but most are born during the late spring. When the kittens are born, the mother gently holds them with her paw and licks them dry. Afterwards, the kittens nuzzle up to their mother and drink her
warm milk.

Mother panthers care for their kittens alone for about 1 to 1 1/2 years.

Photo of the animal:

Levi and panther