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Problems & Solutions Committee Shelter Support

CLAW has adopted and is helping to support two no-kill animal shelters.  We are all encouraged to what ever we can to help support this important issue.

P.O. Box 102
Melrose, Ma.  0217
Phone (781) 662-3724

Melrose Human Society The Melrose Humane Society is a nonprofit no-kill domestic animal rescue organization.  They work closely with local veterinarians, the ASPCA and MSPLA, the Humane Coalition of Massachusetts and PAWS of Wakefield.
They take in abandoned, abused homeless and unwanted stray cats and dogs and give medical treatment and lots of love.


Donations help the Melrose Humane Society provide food and shelter to homeless animals.

Adult membership is $10.00 per year and junior (12 years and under) is just $2.00. You will receive their newsletter and be invited to the annual board meeting dinner. Not to mention the good feeling you are sure to get just for helping save a stray.

Please visit this wonderful site for more information on how you can help.

788 Sandtown Rd.
Marietta, Ga.  3008-3046

Good Mews Good Mews is a cage free, no kill with regular meals and extensive medical care and lots of tender loving care.
Cats are free to roam around with numerous cat trees, shelves and toys. There are also shy rooms for our shy furriends to go in.

Cats come from households that can no longer care for them or strays. Many have been abused or neglected and some are very afraid.  They receive urgent medical care.  They recieve lots of love.

There are several ways you can help this wonderful shelter. For all the different ways please visit this site and thank you for your help.

Let`s read what the Problems & Solutions Committee memfurs mewed about how impurrtant it is to help and what experiences they have made when they were a stray.

My name is Sunny.  I think shelter are wonderful and deserve all our support, catfood and otherwise.  Here's why:
When I was born, my humans didn't want me.  I wasn't even weaned properly when they decided to get rid of me.
Rather than taking me to a shelter, they tossed me out on the side of  the road into a cow pasture. It was really really hot and there was no shade or water.  I was so upset!  I cried and cried, but there was no one around to
save me.
Lucky for me, my new mom was out for a walk, and she heard my cries.  She managed to get me out of the weeds and took me home. I was covered with fleas, sick, dehydrated, and almost dead.
My mommy took me to the vet and saved me.

I was lucky, because what if my mommy had not come along, right then?
If my first humans had taken me to a shelter instead of cruely throwing me away I would have been spared a lot of pain and trauma.
Shelters are very good things and they deserve all our support. 


Helping less fortunate cats such as those in the Shelters adopted by CLAW is a very important and rewarding experience. Especially in these cold and nasty weather conditions we should keep in mind those less fortunate then we are. If possible this is a very good time to make a donation of goods to the Shelters or some kind of monetary donation if you are able to. My family sent a check to Melrose Humane Society as well as helped in our local shelter where we live. We make donations whenever possible.

My hope for this New Year is that all cats find a good and safe place to stay.
My wish is that as time goes on there are less and less homeless cats.


I tinks dis such a great idea dat CLAW is now supporting des no kill shelters.  Dis someting so close to my heart cuz I was once a shelter girl and I knows how da kitties longs fur a furrmily of dere own and a soft bed to sleep on.  And also fur playing and treats and all dem offur good tings.  I hopes dey all find a home like mine wif a hooman or effen more dat wuvs dem soooo much!

I haff des tips fur dem to help dem finds a good home:

  * Always comes right up to da door of you cage and rub on da hoomans.
  * Talk wif dem too and when dey talks to you mew or roll offur on you belly (dey tink dat cute!)
  * Next when dey picks you up to hold you put your paw on dere face and gif dem a kiss!
      ** Da last tip is how I won my Mommy -- I heards her say "I just haff to take her home!


As I sit in my window of my comfy little home, I often think about the poor kitties who are outside who have nobody to take care of them and love them. This makes me so sad that sometimes I cry. I'm so thankful for shelters and other rescue organizations, because they do such a great job not only savin lives, but also matchin us kitties and d*gs up with good families to love, spoil and obey us. Like many of us, I was a shelter kitty for a while, but there were lots of other kitties that weren't lucky enough to get adopted. CLAW adopting a no-kill facilty is especially great, considering there are so very many homeless animals out there for which shelter and other resources are scarce. This is a great idea on CLAW's part, and me and my brothers are proud to be members of this organization!!!


I hope that some day everyone will realize how important no-kill shelters are. I must add that we have to remember the other shelters too.  My sister Maggie came from such a place.  She was going to be killed the very next day but I am very appy to say that we adopted her in time and we all love her very much.
I was a stray when I was very little.  I was caught in a trap and could not get out.  It hurt sooo bad.  A nice man found me and took me to the vet.  I had a hernia trying to get out of that awful trap.  I just don't know why anyone would want to put a trap out that would hurt an innocent animal.
Well they did surgery on me and nursed me back to health and put me up for adoption.  It took awhile because they needed someone special to adopt me because I was sooo afraid of humans. 
I am very happy now at my home and I am now 10 years old and very healthy and happy to be alive. Thank you to everyone who can help in whatever big or little way they can.


Good luck, here in Germany we only have no-kill-shelters, no pet will be killed if he/she can`t find a new home. And we have a lot of people who takes care about the "unwanted". For example the local newspapers publish articles every week with an introduction to two to three cats or dogs who need a new home and our local TV for the state of Hesse has a popular weekly show called "Herrchen gesucht" with pets from different shelters in our area who are looking for new caring families.
In most of our supermarkets we have boxes where the humans can place their donations for our local shelter like food, treats and also cat litter anonymously. Everytime meowmie goes shopping I tell her to buy some more food or litter than I need to put it in the box for our sisfurs and brofurs at the shelter.


I was furry lucky, in that I was nefur homeless or abandoned, but I haf known two furry nice cats in my life who were. No-Kill shelters are so impurrtant and so necessary fur poor homeless cats and yes, dogs too. And there are far too few of them and far too many of the other kind in the U.S. I am purroud to be associated with CLAW and to support the No-Kill shelters CLAW has adopted. The hoomans who run those are purrticularly dedicated and deserving of all we can do fur them. The more we can donate in money, food, and help to these shelters, the more homeless kitties they can care for. Also I hope so hard that our support helps hoomans see how much large groups of loving, caring cats are willing to do fur No-Kill shelters, and start more of them wherever and whenever they can. Wouldn't it be wonderfur if we could make that kind of a difference!


Shelter Support pages done by our memfurs:


CLAW Shelter Fair

We won first place at the CLAW Shelter Support Fair 2001.
Thanks to all memfurs who submitted their experiences to this page!
You all are the kitties who deserve this award.  

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