"Those who resist find peace"

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This site is respectfully dedicated to Roberta Blackgoat, Pauline Whitesinger, John Lane, and all the resisters on the Altar.
Recent additions Check here for new pages and updates added since the last the last time you visited.
View From The Hogan Archive of newsletters written from Big Mountain. Personal eyewitness accounts of life in the ongoing struggle of Navajo & Hopi people to retain their land & way of life, plus messages from the elders, and a hefty dose of personal opinion.
Gallery of Resistance Paintings, posters, poems & songs on the resistance. Plus photo tour of the mine. Over the years , many people have produced flyers, posters, stickers etc, as well as being inspired to write poems, paint paintings etc.
Roberta Blackgoat Words of wisdom from Roberta, plus many photos. Roberta was for many years the co-chair of the Soverign Dineh Nation. She devoted her life to protecting her homeland. She was also the most amazing person I have had the honor to know.
Library Statements by the resisters, newspaper & magazine articles, academic papers, book reviews This is the repository of all kinds of materials on Big Mountain, read,... learn....
Links Connect with other sites on Big Mountain & related issues. Plus some interesting links on other subjects.

Email me ,with comments, requests etc. bopeep@hoganview.com