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I Love Bob Dylan

And A Few Other Men!

Bob! Bob! Bob! U take my breath away!

U r an absolute legend...making razor-edge music for more years than I have been alive! U rock Baby!

Did u write "She Belongs To Me" for me, the cavegirl? Okay, probably not, but let me pretend for a second or two. All of the lyrics r exactly ME! Thanx Bobby!!

And all of your other stuff..."All Around the Watchtower", "Lay Lady Lay", "The Times They are A'Changing"...have u ever done anything nasty? If so I have never found it...yet!!! And I own all of your stuff!! CDs, vinyl, books!!!

This valentine website is for U! Kiss! Kiss!

Oh, and a couple other men, but Bob u r the one!

Cavegirl Rebecca Barrington

Painting: "She Went GaGa Over Him Him Him", 8" x 10", acrylic on wood, a LuLu Eccentrix Painting by Barrington, $225

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Surf Over Here On A Whim

Barrington Bop

Email: blueskygirl2000@hotmail.com