...Bloodless and numb we orbit the sun...

                           Name: Jstn
                           Location: Meigs, GA
                           Age: 19

            Tuesday, October 2, 2001 6:19PM
Ive been working pretty non-stop these past few days on a new layout and look for the Holocaust. Something to do it more justice. You should have atleast a taste of the new scheme by mid-October. I have a few possible logos made, just trying to figure out how I want the menu and all to work. I want more of a simplier and viewer-friendly page. Ahh, I dunno what Im saying. Let's just wait and see. Comments, suggestions and logos are welcome.

            Saturday, September 22, 2001 9:43PM
After 43 slumbering days of absence Im back. Im sure a lot of you have stopped coming by, thinking that I was going to let this site die and that I didnt care about it. Not the case. I had to install a new modem in my computer. And it took Gateway a while to send it to me. But everything is fine now, the Holocaust has waited for me patiently, and I will reimburse it.
So much has gone on since I last updated. Specifically the terrorist attack in NY. Its not really something I care to talk about, because I cant fully grasp its severity. I know I feel confused, sad, angry and scared. Almost the full spectrum of feelings. My sympathy goes out to all the families and friends that lost loved ones that day. It just shows how quickly things can change from one minute to the next. Innocent people died, and thats hard to understand. Its hard to understand anyones motive to do that. But revenge will come, and freedom will ring.

            Friday, August 10, 2001 12:08PM
So Ive spent pretty much my whole pay check on eBay. In return, a Pearl Jam MTV Unplugged Video & CD (that im expecting today), the For Squirrels "Plymouth" album, a Meat Puppets CD, and a Pearl Jam shirt. Im in the process of bidding on a For Love Not Lisa album and an Elevator To Hell EP now. This is an iddiction. Lol. In other news Ive decided to go to school soon. Im fed up with crappy minimum wage jobs that work you like a dog. But Im gonna have to keep one until I get a degree in something and find a job that pays you enough to survive. But Im determined to make this happen with some quickness. Woohoo! My For Squirrels CD just came in! "..but the war RAGES ON!.." I love this band. Im gonna write some cool songs like this someday. LOl. Alright Im gonna go and dance around my room now. Bye!!

            Sunday, August 4, 2001 4:00PM
So who's my anonymous fan? Lol. Below is my most recent entry in my guestbook. It was a private one that I thought Id share and tell the person that wrote it to email me so we could talk. If not up for email then oh well, just keep visiting my page and enjoying the poems.

   Sunday 08/05/2001 4:23:01am
   Name: You know me. not here, not now.
   Homepage: http://
   Favorite Band(s):
   Favorite Movie:
   Other Comments:
          Everything in the world lies within your nothing. "Her name from strangers' lips"--one of the most beautiful poems I've ever read.

In other news Im now an official eBay addict. I registered for an account last night and right away started my bidding. I actually bought a Pearl Jam unedited MTV Unplugged video and CD for $41, a little steep perhaps but hey, it is Pearl Jam right? And now Im in the process of bidding on a rare For Squirrels album called "Plymouth". Its a hard-to-find, out-of-print, very RARE album that Ive been trying to find for a while. So Im gonna go to all lengths to get it. Right now we're at $61. Yeah, Im obsessed with music, and its obsessed with me...

            Friday, July 27, 2001 11:52PM
This whole thing about getting a job has really hurt my updating the Holocaust daily like I wanted to. And when I do get free time Im usually drawn to doing somethign that requires not doing anything. Lol. But Im still in love with this page and Im still planning on adding sooooo much more. Just bare with me and my laziness, it'll be worth it I promise. On to this weeks events...bought and installed a CD player into my truck. Ive been wanting one for years and now that I have this money rolling in I thought Id get that out of the way. Last night my friend Dawayne spent the night. Theres nothing like playing playstation golf hours upon hours to help you realize just how easily amused you are. Lol. We also invested some time on the net and then called it a night while watching Rush Hour. Chris Tucker is so funny, everything he says trips me out. I cant wait for Rush Hour 2 to start playing around here. So back to recent events, I woke up at 1PM, and went and got Cori. We took a ride around the countryside, ended up in Cotton, GA. (???) Dont ask me how. Anyhow it was only like a Church, a small run-down store and a really weird looking school there. We stopped for a drink. Riding in an un-air conditioned vehicle calls for that. So I pretty much got lost and decided to just turn around and go home. It was pretty fun though. Theres some cool places out in the country. Well, now that Ive completely bored you I'll be going. See ya..

            Monday, July 16, 2001 1:23PM
Awoke at 12PM, layed in bed for a few minutes. Regretted sleeping late. It makes me feel more tired when I do that. And I waste precious time I could be using to handle all of my responsibilities. But oh well. I really want to add some new things to this page. I'll probably work on that today. I need to take advantage of this day off from the country club. Im ready for next pay check, Im ready to buy something. Lol. I have a few things in mind. Either an Ampeg cab with six 10's and an Ampeg head for my bass or a Tama drumset. If I decided on the drums I could probably get them in a few more weeks. But the Ampeg stuff would keep me saving up money for a few more months. So I dont know. I also want to go to Tallahassee and visit my favorite record store, Vinyl Fever! It would be nice to finally go there with a good bit of money. I guess me and Cori will ride over there one afternoon. Ive also been thinking about getting another tattoo. Scott is moving at the end of this month and he wanted to add to his inkage before he left so maybe I will too. I want a dove but I dont know where. Hmmm. Well, Im gonna go now, thanks for reading.

            Friday, July 13, 2001 1:58PM
Woke up at 11AM. Mom called and said they're having to move my dad to another hospital in Brooks County because the insurance is going to stop paying for the stay at the one they're at now. I dont know, something like that. Took a shower, talked to Cori and let her know Im fixing to come get her, and now Im here. Typing meaningless words to strangers. Boring my audience. Wish I had something to say to enlighten you or make your visit here a worthwhile one. But I guess I dont today. Maybe later tonight I'll add some of the poems I've been working on. I dunno, I'll try to add something to give this page a little boost. So check back later tonight, maybe midnight...

            Tuesday, July 10, 2001 11:42PM
Have to be at work at 2PM today. Im so tired. Saturday tore me up working like 15 hours in one day. They had a tournament so it was packed. I was constantly doing something. Hopefully I'll shrug the soreness off soon. This job isnt all that fun. Being out in the hot sun all day and only getting paid $5.25. I should look for something else that pays more and doesnt consist of outside work. I dont know. I guess I'll keep this job for a while and just see how it works out. Maybe I'll learn to deal. Sunday two of my friends, Sean and Michael, came over and spent the night. It was a pretty crazy night. We jammed for a little while, playing some Acid Bath and ALice in Chains. Then later watched Scary Movie, I fell asleep like 30 minutes into it. Then yesterday, Monday, Cori came over and we hung out. I grilled pork chops for us, mmmm! Lol. We also watched Fear Factor, which is a really awesome show. If you havent seen it check it out. Well, thats all for today. Dont forget to sign my guestbook, it's getting slow over there and its not too encouraging. Lol. Bye..

            Friday, July 6, 2001 10:30PM
Just got home from work and Im pretty tired. It wouldnt be so bad if I didnt have to work from 6:30AM to 9:00PM tomorrow. But oh well, I'll make some major money. And thats always a good thing. Went over to the pool and talked to Scott for a little while. He's moving up near Atlanta at the end of this month to teach. He's taken some of his stuff up there already. I hate it that he's gonna be gone but I understand. And if you're a visitor of his page (I Know You're Out There) it's been deleted by Tripod for unknown reasons. It was an awesome page with a lot of depth, sad to know its gone. But I'll let you know when and if he gets another one up and going. Well, let me get some sleep, alright? Okay. Thanks... ZzZzZzZ.

            Friday, July 6, 2001 11:57AM
Just added a series of pictures that I took yesterday with Cori. It started storming and I was interested in seeing how my digital camera would handle taking some pics of it. Like always the clarity is less than be desired but hey, it's better than nothing. I got my first paycheck this week. $206.69. Yeepee! Lol. Im gonna save it for a while but eventually I'll blow it like I always do. I have a couple things in mind that I really want...but it'll take more green. Well, I'm fixing to get ready for work. I have to be there at 2 and I get off around 8 or so. Maybe I'll do more updates then, if Im up to it...

            Monday, July 2, 2001 2:07PM
Todays my day off from the country club. Got in some sleep until 11AM then got up and played guitar. Wrote a song. For so many years I had a tough time writing songs but here lately they've jusy been coming to me. I have maybe 5 or 6 things that im working on. I just need to find someone I can work on them with. It sucks living in a small town with very little musicians. Any Moultrie ppl out there wanna get together and jam?

            Saturday, June 30, 2001 2:07PM
Just got home from work. Yeah, Im the "Official Cart Barn Guy" at the Sunset Country Club. Its a pretty good job, a little hot, but other than that I like it. My job pretty much consists of taking care of the golf carts. Washing them, stocking them, loading the golf bags, etc. I also have to pick up the balls on the drive range with a picker. It's this big plow looking thing that I hook up to an Easy-Go and I just drive around and it picks up the balls. It's cool. I stopped by the pool yesterday and talked to Scott, its rad working at the same place. I didnt see him today though. Ive made like twenty dollars in tips and Ive only worked three days. So thats a job perk. Here's my work schedule
M Off
T 2PM to 9PM
W 11AM to 9PM
T Off
F Off
S 2PM to 9PM
S 7AM to 2PM
Im going to try to update this page everyday. Ive slacked up again. I have some new ideas that I want to work on too. Well, Im going to get going and get some sleep. I worked a thirteen hour day this week and still havent recovered. Lol. Bye..

            Thursday, June 21, 2001 9:15PM
Well, Ive taken off all the java codes that block the angelfire ads. So, you're going to have to bare with me until I get this page moved to somewhere without them. Believe me, I know they're annoying. But if you minus one down no more will pop up. I was just getting paranoid that angelfire was going to find out, cuz if they did it would be against the rules and my page and account would be deleted. Theres too much work in this for that to happen. I counted today and I have 124 different pages on this site. But I feel a lot more secure now that Im following the rules...I went to the Sunset Country Club today and filled out an application for "cart barn attendant". They're suppose to call me and set up an interview. Im expecting that tomorrow. Everyone's telling me it'll be a really good job. A lot of my family golf there. They say the tips are good, I can only imagine...I didnt see the pool though. Thats were Scott hangs out and lifeguards. I guess he wasnt there today. From what his page says I guess he's still gone on that trip. Well, I'll keep you posted on the job happenings. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it...

            Wednesday, June 20, 2001 12:40PM
Ahh, musically refreshed..finally. For the past two days Ive been searching high and wide for some new bands. Im tired of the same old stuff everyday. I've come across some really great stuff. My three favorites being The Assistant, Spirit of Versailles and Hopesfall. Although still in love with all the music I've always listened to, I can tell things are changing, or broadening rather. And Im excited, there's so much stuff out there in the underground I've yet to hear. And right now as we speak Im being introduced to it all via Napster. Thank God for technology.

            Saturday, June 16, 2001 8:58PM
Another bleak day of Meigs life, hot outsides, bored insides, and no will for it to change. Mom came home today for a little while. She cleaned up a little and washed some clothes then cooked for us. I worked in the yard pretty much all day. Picking up all the sticks and pinecones the storm decorated the yard with. And not to mention all the trash our dogs decided to add to it from neighboring homes. It was a really hot day too, it pretty much sucked. Then somehow, the lawnmower got a flat tire. So the whole front yard and the sides are cut but the back hasnt been touched. I dont know how to change a freakin' flat tire on a lawnmower...Now that I think about it maybe I shouldnt share all this crap with you, its probably boring you to death. Maybe I should just share important things that go on my life. Wait, nevermind, then that would mean yearly updates. I'll just keep boring you...Lol. I need to start working on my CD collection list, getting all the album info put up. Im just being a slacker right now. Its going to take a long time to get that finished...but it'll be worth it when its done. Well, im gonna go and do some more work on other areas. Take it easy and thanks for reading.

            Thursday, June 14, 2001 9:36PM
I got something pretty cool in the mail today and I thought Id share it with everyone. I entered a poem of mine,
"Under Stars, I Hereby Declare", into a poetry contest at www.poetry.com and to my suprise it was selected for publication. Its going to be one of many featured in a book called "The Silence Within" which is set to be complete and out in stores winter 2001. Its a hardbound book printed on mill paper so the quality is definately there. Im really looking forward to getting it. Ive never had any of my poetry recognized in such a way, Im pretty excited about it...

            Wednesday, June 13, 2001 10:49PM
Recap of this weeks events: Monday, Dawayne and Michael came over and spent the night. The first 3 or 4 hours we devoted to playing guitars. We put one song together. Actually the process was good. We started with one of my riffs, Jeremy added this palm muting thing for a verse and Michael came up with an intro and a bridge. Dawayne took care of the "special effects" in the song. Its fun to let everyone contribute. I wrote a few lyrics and sang to some of it but wasnt exactly happy with what I came up with. Never am really. Later that night we listened to some music, surfed the net, and watched some movies. First we watched Deuce Bigalow then we started watching Dirty Work but fell asleep. It was a fun night. *Thanks for suprising me with the awesome clean-up work you guys did*
Teusday, Scott came over and spent the night. He brought over a movie he rented, "Carlito's Way" w/ Robert DeNiro and Sean Penn. Sean Penn looked really different. I didnt even recognize him at first. We didnt watch all of it bc we fell asleep. I slumbered in the reclininer and Scott put the sofa to work. Earlier that day we listened to some music. Discovered some bands that I really want to hear more of: Pond, Codeine, Campfire Girls, Kerith Ravine and Wisenbaker. Scott's cd collection is like an adventure. Lol. He did some work on his page(I Know You're Out There) so go over there and check it out. Its worth the time and effort...
So that's what I've been up to this week. Its been a lot of fun. I plan on getting back on track and updating the page everyday. Ive been slacking off a little havent I? I'll make it up to you...somehow.

            Wednesday, June 6, 2001 9:21PM
Not too much going on today. My mom called and updated me on my dad. They say the seizures were medically induced. With all the medicines he's been taking they just arent mixing well. So they're trying to figure out how and what to change. I cleaned the house today. I hate living in a messy house. And once I start cleaning up or straightening up I cant stop until its perfect. Lol. I took Scott his camera, or actually met him halfway to town and gave it to him. He was going to church then to Ellenton to his grandpa's house and there were a few things he wanted pictures of. We're going to the Red Room Monday to see Brandtson, My Hotel Year and Element. It's going to be a good show. Brandtson is really cool and he let me hear My (M)Hotel Year when we were in Albany. They were cool too. Im looking forward to seeing them. I actually cooked today. Potato salad and fried chicken. Man, Im just all around good. Lol. Well, the NBA Finals are on, Lakers Vs. the 76ers, so Im going to go and watch that. I'll talk to you all later...

            Tuesday, June 5, 2001 12:14PM
Hmm. So much has happened today I dont know quite where to start. So, mom wakes me up around 9 or so telling me Scott was on the phone. I answer and he tells me of his new "haircut", he shaved it completely off. To say the least I was a bit suprised.(Turns out it looked really cool) Then he tells me that he's going to Valdosta to get a tattoo at Ink Addictions. Man, this guy is getting brave. lol. So he asks if I want to ride over to Valdosta with him and I say sure. The next couple of hours I weigh the pros and cons of getting inked. A few pros, only one con. So we head over to Ink Addictions. First I find something that I like. Its a sun. So I sit down and he starts tattooing me. A little painful. Especially on the wrist. It took about 20 minutes or so. Then I walked over to where Scott was getting his and watched the guy do it. He got the Trinity symbol. It looks cool. His took about 25 minutes I think. So we left pretty pleased and excited. Our first tats. June 5, 2001. A day that wont be forgotten. So we stopped by Wal Mart and picked up some film. We planned on going into the "town" of Meigs. Nothing really there except some old antique shops, a post office, a police station, an old factory and a dilapidated school. The school is what we wanted some pics of. So we get to my house, of course now its raining so that screws up our idea of taking pics. Plus we cant be out in the rain with these tattoos. So we hang out in my room for awhile. Waiting for the rain to stop, etc. When out of nowhere I hear my mom screaming for me. I figured she must of saw a rat or a snake or something. So I run into the living room and when I turn the corner I see my dad in the recliner shaking and twitching like he's having a seizure. By this time my mom was hysterical, screaming and crying. I called 911 and explained to them what all was going on. My dad finally quit shaking and his eyes rolled back into his head. At this point I actually thought he died. I was calm throughout all this. It was hard to watch but in reality, I knew it was coming so in a way I guess you could say I was ready for this. Prepared. All these "First Response" guys come and check him out then finally the ambulance arrives. They put him on a stretcher and take him to the hospital in Thomasville. Mom goes with him... They called a little while ago and said that he's better. He's actually talking and he knows where he's at. This story was probably a little shaky but Im sure you get the point and understand. Anyways, after all this. Cori comes over and me, her and Scott head over to the school in Meigs to take some pics. A much needed trip to get my mind off things. We get there and after ten minutes of walking through the place a police pulls up, walks in, and asks us what we're doing. Scott tells him just taking pictures and the cop explains to us how the school is a high drug-traffic area. He asks for ID's, runs Scotts through to make sure the truck belongs to him, then sends us on our way. I have some pics from that taken by my digital camera. Click here to see them. So, that's been my day. Pretty tiring, eh? Im fixing to fall into some much needed sleep. Im happy with my tattoo. Thanks for reading...

            Monday, May 31, 2001 4:39PM
I havent listened to this Stavesacre album (Friction) in a long time. But it brings back a lot of good memories of the times hanging out with Scott, Buddy and Chris. I miss those times. I still hang out with Scott occasionally but Buddy doesn't keep in touch...guess thats not all his fault. But he could call ya know. I hope me and Scott get to hang out a lot more and go to some concerts before he moves. I really respect him, he's Christian but not the typical kind. Well I guess I shouldnt say that....he's just different from most Christians I know. He believes in God and worships him and it ends there. He doesnt force anything on you or act all better than you. And he isnt any different from me besides the fact that he knows God and I dont. I mean, we listen to the same music, watch the same movies, etc. And the more he doesn't talk about God the more I think about it. I dunno, hard to explain. And when I listen to Mark's words I want to believe. I understand what he says and feel the same way about a lot of things. Just cant get in touch with God about it. "When this fleeting limelight fades, and we're alone again. What name will your heart speak? What is true? What is real? Not what you feel what you know eternally..."

            Monday, May 31, 2001 4:39PM
I hate people that dismess certain music just because the lead singer is Christian and the lyrics are in some way loosely based around God and salvation. Makes me want to kick them in their stupid face. I mean, I tell people they should listen to Stavesacre bc the band rocks and the lyrics are really good. And they're like "No, Christian music sucks, kill the Christians.." Fuck. That pisses me off so bad. Why do you have to be so ignorant? Music is music. People are people. Words are words. Regardless of everything else. Now that Ive set you straight go listen to Stavesacre...one of the best bands EVER! Lol.

            Monday, May 28, 2001 1:42PM
Mmmm. Fruity Pebbles is the best cereal ever. Froot Loops was in the running for a few years but they added all those nasty colors and ruined it. Hey, whatever happened to those strawberry pop-tarts with the icing on top but without the little sprinkle things? God, why do they ruin everything? Lol. Two out of the last 4 poems I posted unwillingly. Something made me self-conscious about them. I guess simplicity is such a vulnerable thing. Well, Im running out of things to say. Sign my guestbook and email me, Im bored...

            Friday, May 25, 2001 1:55PM
Im really happy about how my page is turning out. Im coming up with new ideas everyday to add to it. Hopefully that wont end anytime soon. Or at all for that matter. Thanks everyone thats contributed to it. I really appreciate it a lot. It really adds a whole new dimension to this page. Makes it more interactive which is something Ive always admired in webpages. Keep all the poems, art, pictures, and stories coming. And for those of you have sent me stuff and it isnt on here yet, Im working on it and I'll let you know when everything is up.

            Tuesday, May 22, 2001 7:31AM
I've been playing guitar quite a bit lately. Mainly learning some Dinosaur Jr and Toadies stuff. It's really fun to play. I can only imagine how fun it would be if I had better equipment. LOL. Nah, I'm not complaining. I'm grateful for what I have. If only I had a band... I'm wasting precious time that could be used for screwing up and hitting wrong notes at gigs or having my strap break during the middle of a song. Those are fun times. I need more of those. I've been wondering lately how many people actually visit this site on a semi-regular basis. I know some friends here in Moultrie do but I have no idea if someone I know off the net comes here a lot. All you that do should email me and ease my curiosity. Here's my addy: ivy_holocaust@yahoo.com. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for my page I'd love to hear those too. Just get in touch with me. Thanks...

            Monday, May 21, 2001 5:55AM
I'm about to fall out, I've been awake since like 5PM saturday afternoon. I'm not used to staying up like this. Cori came over today and I could barely stay awake, it was terrible. She's actually probably up right now getting ready for work. She got a job at my old workplace, the YMCA. Today's going to be her first day, it should be a pretty fun job for her. Hey, the 76ers beat the Raptors today so they're moving on. It was exciting right there at the end, Vince Carter shoot the would-be game winner and bricked it. It was awesome. Okay, I think I'm gonna finally go to bed...talk to you all later.

            Thursday, May 17, 2001 3:25AM
Didn't wake up until Cori got here after school around 4PM. Didn't do much, just the usual hanging out sorta thing. We did watch Empire Rercords sorta. That movie rocks man. I've been watching it almost every night for the past month, I think I'm addicted. I want to see some other movies that are kinda like that one, hey if you know of any send me an email at ivy_holocaust@yahoo.com. If you have anything else remotely interesting to say you can email me too. I never get emails. So dont be shy or lazy! LOL. Oh and I wanted to mention my friend Sara, the one Im working with on that FEOTNW site, has her own site and it's really cool. It has some really awesome pictures, check it out: Sara Monster's Page. Well, thanks for reading. Sorry that it lacked anything interesting... I love you Cori.

            Thursday, May 17, 2001 3:25AM
Woke up at 7PM. This sleep pattern I'm in is really crazy. I probably won't go to sleep until about 10AM in the morning. I need to just stay up though and get back on track. Sleeping throughout the whole day I miss out on a lot of things. I miss being outside. I have an urge to play basketball. LOL. That's pretty much all I watch on tv anymore. Basketball and Conan O'Brian. If you're into basketball you know that the Lakers are going to take the championship. I mean, they're by far the best. But I like the 76ers and the Mavs a whole lot. There's a lot of good teams in the NBA this year. I hear Barkley and Jordan are talking about a comeback. That would be so cool, I really hope it happens. Especially if they play on the same team together. Well, I'm gonna go and watch Conan now. Thanks for reading...

            Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:40AM
Just wanted to tell everyone thanks for visiting my page. Especially those of you who check it out on a consistent basis. I didn't expect to have 250 people visit this site in the first 5 days of it being created. That's awesome. Keep coming back and email me if you ever want me to post something of your's up or if you have any suggestions. As to what's going on in my life right now, well, nothing. The past year has really been a slacking time in my life. I'm starting school in the fall so I have that to do, but until then I need a job really bad. I just don't know where. God, I need to stop procrastinating and just get one. Well, I'm gonna go and quit boring you out of your mind...

            Teusday, May 15, 2001 5:14AM
Well, my parents finally came home today. It's about time! My dad is doing a little better but not much. His blood pressure is really high. But I'm glad they're back. I just got finished working on another site called "Further Explotations of the Northwest". I'm helping my friend Sara out with it. Here's the address: FEOTNW. Check it out, I worked on the Pearl Jam page tonight. I'm going to be handling the updates for Soundgarden, Seaweed, AIC, Screaming Trees, Candlebox, PUSA, MLB, Malfunkshun, and of course PJ. If you have some info you could give me on these bands I'd appreciate it. I know some of those bands are broken up so there's nothing you can really do to update it everyday, but I'm gonna try to add as much info as I can. Interviews, sounds, videos, pictures, etc. But don't worry, it's not going to take away from anything I do here. This page is my baby. LOL. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for some short stories entitled "The Escape Artist Chronicles" written by my ICQ friend Gayla. They should be up in a couple of days.

            Sunday, May 13, 2001 11:33AM
I've been downloading some videos today. I found a site with some complete Perfect Circle vids on it. I downloaded their Conan O'Brian, Jay Leno and Craig Kilborn appereances. They play really good live. Oh, here's the address to that site: PerfectCircle.org.   The only problem is the vids are like 32MB and they take a while to download. Go get "Download Accelerator" and it'll download it in no time. I found another site with some Acid Bath, Deadboy and the Elephantmen and Agents of Oblivions vids. This stuff is very rare so you may want to get it before the page shuts down. It's at: Nothing's Safe.   I'm about to fall out as I type all this. I've been working a lot on this page and giving up a lot of sleep. I think I'm gonna go catch up on that neglected part of my life now. Go get those vids and have fun!

            Saturday, May 12, 2001 8:15PM
Woke up around 5Pm today. I need to get my sleep pattern back in order but it's hard to once you've grown accustom to the nightlife. Plus it's a lot easier to work on my page at night, there's no interruptions. I see where Patrick signed my guestbook. I haven't really talked to him in a while. Back a couple of months ago we were doing a lot of hanging out and even getting together to jam a few times. I wish we could've kept that up. Who knows what sort of stuff we could've came up with.

            Saturday, May 12, 2001 4:03AM
My dad's in the hospital right now and my mom is staying there with him so I'm having to hold the fort down here at the house. It really sucks having to clean up and cook everyday but I'm managing. They've been gone for about a week now. The good thing about it is I can play my guitar as loud as I want. I should invite someone over and take advantage of that, possibly write a few songs or something. Cori came over today around 5PM. I was still sleeping bc I stayed up all night getting this page setup and downloading a paint program to make some graphics. We watched some tv and surfed the internet awhile. It was pretty fun. Well, actually we spent like an hour fussing over some petty immature stuff but it finally blew over like it always does. But besides that it was fun..

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