This was my first experiment with dreamscaping. Some guy on yahoo chat asked for a volunteer and I did. So, he just asked me questions and I had to say the first think that popped into my head. After it was all over he pointed out certain things I said and described how it symbolized hate for God, destroying mediocrity, depressed lifestyle, etc. He was pretty much right with everything. It was a lot of fun, but after I wrote it here and read it back it seemed to bore me. Well, if this is at all interesting let me know bc if I get no feedback Im just gonna take this off and spend my time building another part of the page. Thanks...

Monday, May 21, 2001 2:45AM

Where are you at?
    I'm in the desert
What color is the sand?
Whats it made out of it?
What do you see?
    I see something up ahead, a chrome box
Do you notice anything strange about it?
    There's marking on it, unreadable symbols, ancient writings
Do they mean anything to you?
    Tells something is coming
And what could that be?
    A flood or a storm, rivers of red
Do you notice anything else up there around the box?
    a little skeleton boy
Somethings carved in his head, what does it say?
    I'm you.
So, when the flood comes, will it be over then?
    No, just the beginning
Do you see anything in the sky??
    No planes, no clouds, but vultures
Go look inside the box, tell me whats in it.
    The skeleton boys skin
Can you use it as a raincoat?
    No, that doesnt seem right
Whats the skeleton boy doing now?
    He's walking away and over a sand dune
Follow him, what do you see?
    Everything is charred, burnt, there's skeletons. There's an identical box
Describe your atmosphere now.
    Sky is dark, big cold wind.
Any stars?
    No stars but theres little yellow lines scattered in the sky
Look inside this identical box, whats there?
    A knife laying on a wet napkin
Describe the knife
    12 inch blade, stainless steel
What else do you notice?
    The skeleton boy behind me, he's twitching...its communicating to me through it
Whats he saying to you?
    ...He says I have to skin myself.
Why would he say a think like that?
    He wants me to join him
No, not now. Take his hand and walk back to the other box.
How long did that take?
    Time all of a sudden doesnt exist
Take the skin out of the box, how does it feel?
    Like moist leather
Does it look like it was a clean cut or was there a struggle?
    There was a struggle
What do you do now?
    I have to skin myself
Why dont you just kill the skeleton with the knife?
    I dont want to hurt him
Those vultures you saw earlier, they're pecking at the skeleton boys bones. How does he react to that?
    He's twitching
And whats that communicating to you?
    Kill one and they all die
How many vultures are there?
What are you going to do?
    Kill one
They're scattering around and trying to peck you now. What are you going to do?
    Im going to kill one.
Do what you have to do.
Did you kill one?
    I grabbed it and broke its neck
Why didnt you use the knife?
    I have to use that on me
So what are you waiting for?
    Nothing, Im skinning myself now
Does it hurt?
    At first it did, but after a while it goes numb
What are you doing with your skin and organs?
    The skeleton boy is putting them in the box
What do you do as he does that? Do you watch him?
    I can barely see him, my eyes are blurry
You still have your eyes?
Well look at the box, its glowing from the inside.
    I feel it but cant see it
What do you feel?

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