we walked the town square
mid-morning strolling
telling her stories aloud
to further our reasons to doubt her

i thought of the morning
slept through the service
lost one of nine lives
still i laughed the same

im watching my tears
hit this pillow
praying for comfort
or numbness

stayed until 7
looked for your car there
didnt understand such loss
until i felt it

so let this heart go now

so how could you not be regretfull
especially after all of my understanding
waited and gave space
patiently loved you
and in return lost you
yeah maybe i whine
and make things much worse
but i just have to tell you
that i feel so cold
this afternoon i raked leaves
viewed the country scenery
and missed my freind
wish i couldve been all you wanted
or said the right words
but its just not me
im meant to be lonely

couldnt quite make out the last words you spoke
as you left that sunday afternoon
leaving everything here at home broken
i didnt even want to return
so i slouched in guitar stores
speaking of music
relating to none
i just need some calmness
to oppose the rest of my life
i need to find comforts fountain
and drink until drunk
intoxicated enough to go back home
where shes waiting to fuss
and scream expectations
as i dream of aleviation
i just give in
and she begins

she died with a frown
we wept at her funeral
we asked ourselves were did we all go wrong
i couldnt quite place it
1996 a possible turn
when life seemed to wait for me
and i just walked slower
and so in that same breath
am i the one that showed her
how to die

another bleak fall
that makes me feel comfort
leaves have painted the lawn again
i walk through my yard
admiring the weather
wondering where all this time its been
rake leaves into piles
to jump in them sideways
to jump in them all day

i tried so hard to love you
you only left me cold
you stranded me, im foreign
and i am growing old
drownded beautifully in my
sea of rejection
and almost redemned all
but not quite

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