Past Updates

07.06.01 - 12:05PM
New journal entry.
Picture series added:
July 05 Storm & Animal

07.04.01 - 10:50PM
Happy 4th of July.
"Independently Drawn to the Garden"
added in words section(bottom).

07.02.01 - 8:38PM
Journal entry.

06.30.01 - 2:31PM
Journal entry.

06.23.01 - 3:37AM
Two poems added,
"Longing to Converse Again" and "Over Vein".

06.23.01 - 12:40AM
New poem posted,
"Pictures of the Pond (Reflect you..)"

06.22.01 - 2:43PM
Added: Weekend movie suggestions, thought,
pictures, links, poem.

06.22.01 - 1:46PM
Okay, the right column is fixed. But the update
entries for the whole month of May cant be retrieved.
But thats no big deal anyway, just something I like
to keep up with and look back at.

06.22.01 - 12:35PM
Somehow everything in the far right column
was deleted and some of the update entries were
too. Damn, guess I'll try to fix it now...

06.21.01 - 10:50PM
Along the Green & Electronic Daze (Pics)
Pain Reigns & Letters Addressed To Her entry

06.21.01 - 9:38PM
Journal entry and R&N.
Deleted java ad-block code.

06.20.01 - 12:55PM
New music page, "The Underground".
Added a journal entry...

06.18.01 - 7:02PM
Added Better Than Ezra album info
in my CD Collection List. Thank you
all of for continuing to visit...

06.15.01 - 8:52PM
New R&N. Journal entry.

06.14.01 - 9:56PM
Listening to Paw while adding
a new journal entry...
Album info for Stranger than Fiction up.

06.13.01 - 11:42PM
New journal and a poem project added.
Another R&N added...

06.11.01 - 8:07PM
Added some info to albums in my CD list.
Updates to other areas coming soon...

06.10.01 - 12:40AM
CD Collection listed in music section.
Working on info for each album...

06.06.01 - 5:53PM
Added two poems...Journal entry.

06.05.01 - 10:55AM
Added a thought, kind of an inside thing.
Working on a few more things, should be up soon.

05.12.01 - 06.04.01
These update entries were recently
erased somehow. Sorry.

05.11.01 - 00:00AM/PM
Creation of the Ivy Holocaust.
