Grey infinite speech...
Lifeless sun collapses into the sea...
We ride the religious slut...
White denied, wet with anti-pride...
The black lung of indiscretion dies...
Here inside cement walls I crawl...
Dirty floors and rape tours...
Insects and mammals reproduce beside me...
I think of the mother...
Her throat full of dirt...
She layed there for days...
I should've said something...
But didnt...
I think an evil has birthed inside me...
I cut myself, this blood speaks like love...
Im alone and undeniably broken...
And I save these tears as tokens...
Gods frustration makes me laugh...
The unknown father, the fake wrath...
Pale girls menstrate and shiver...
As always legs spread they deliver..
And the more you give, the more they take...
Yet you keep giving...
Understand that I dont hate you, just what you've done...
Because we're all consumers...
And you're making it easy...
For technological love...
For transmissional religion...
To be cloned like household products...
And you lay infested with disease...
Fatherless, in a home of plastic...
Questions arise like sunlight, then set on confusion...
We're alike in many ways, but ultimately changed...
Because worlds between lights are noticable..
And your face is dull and fading...
Im almost laughing as we float through this place...
And thats a shame...