The universe slithers; the all encompassing snake
Each scale, a mural of life and death
Mirrors of emotions and explosions of humanity
All understood and loved, all one
I followed it around for a while
In and under Heaven, between the bloody walls of liberty
Throughout the gentle unborn land of desparity
It traveled, shedding skin as it went forth
Through the deep, dark forest of a radiant town
It's movements was like that of a young boy
Unsure yet anxious, sometimes even unwilling
I saw a scene, a doorway into a red room
As I stepped inside I was immediately reborn
A fire was lit inside me, and although stoned to the drone
I recognized it and quenched it
I touched her thigh and slowly lifted up her skirt
Have you ever seen depressions cold, wet passage?
Upon leaving I dropped the moon into the offering plate
Praise you Lord, for all the pain you allow
Praise you Lord, for all the doubts you let sit and grow
Praise you Lord, for being ignorant like all the rest
Here's the moon I loved, can you fix it?
Or how about I share a story of despair and the torture of one's soul? was only a dream
So much for love, eh?
It must be the big joke of life
Let's murder! Revolt! Start new religions in you!
Let's rid the world of tightly-knit corporate bastards
The soul-less leaders of the world
Let the rain wash all influence away. Let society drown
Divorce mediocrity, arise anew
Passion flower bloom, feed the world your nectar
Let them have their way with you like you had your way with them
Pledge allegience to your new God. And warn those who deny him
For the wrath comes quick and saves no one
But us