hug me and soak me in frustration
apologize for the capsize
of our inconsistant indescretions
ive tried so hard for so long
and you know as well as i
that im barely capable of putting up with myself
much less others that claim love but show dislike
time for them is unnecessary and obviously slight
so i sit here at midnight with you
my subtle furiousness cascading down my face
as your lips are yet to close
i almost raise the hand and slap the beauty
but again understand her futility
and how it nearly always subdues me

small hands work big wonders so far
life-enhancing and growing
she walks into her life
and knocks off the stumble with a trip
rainy days still pushing for green
starry nights and the cupid scheme
this is just right for you
its everything you need
but have you ever thought of me?

1 AM and still under this umbrage
ive yet to apply the siphon
memories, moguls, myths and monsters
i saw a strand of her hair on my pillow and slept with it
my mind races, begging for brakes
praying for the ending
outside, alone...looking at this early morning sky
All else seems so trivial
Everything but these stars, this moon, this exact moment
of talking with myself
and learning to love myself

A drive to the next town consumes me
These trees fly by blurring into the sky
Radio volume moderately adjusted
Just enough to hear yet still think of you
We've been a part of this for years
This road is our home
Left, straight for miles, then right
Its almost habit
And never forgiving
I wanted to be there when you arrived
But was late, and the sky as predicted slept
So I drove with headlights bright closer to your house
Drifting off periodically I slapped myself awake
Town is so close yet so far away
Truth be know, I just want to be home...
I just want to sleep forever...

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