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Computer Graphics
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All images were created by Erin ©2001.  Permission for use of images may be granted upon request.

A basic figure created with Bryce.

The same figure with variations of materials and colors in an indoor scene.

An outdoor scene also created with Bryce.

The "Boot" series began out of nowhere.  It started from a digital photograph of the boot that I wore to class one day.  With Adobe Photoshop, filters helped add a bit of perspective.  I touched up areas and added eyeballs to the eyelets in this one for a subtle, yet strange look.

Here we have a simple idea that oddly reflects the shape of the boot as a flat object rather than focusing on the volume of the boot.

Place the boots into a scene, add some filters, and presto!  Flying boots now exist.

Place the boots in a different scene, neatly in a row, and a different mood is accomplished.

This was just an idea I toyed around with.