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<title>My Friends</title>
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<h1 align="center">My Friends</h1>

<!--Freetext-->This page has pictures of my friends.<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="AniPaul.jpg">
<font size="5"></font>
<!--Freetext-->This is Paul.  I'm going to print this really big and give it to him for a graduation present.  So if you know him, don't tell him about it, ok?<!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="AniCorey.jpg">
<font size="3">This is Corey, he's a funny guy........</font>

<img src="Cary.jpg">
<font size="7">This is Cary and Drew </font>
<!--Freetext-->This picture is Drew being cheeseball-humped by Cary.  The two of them don't have to be drawn out to look dumb.  They always do.<hr>
<img src="/art/jonart/jon_and_missy.jpg">
<p>This is Missy and I at one of the One Day Remains/Promise Falls basement shows.

<img src="/art/jonart/Miss_Missy.jpg">
<p>An anime version of Missy

<img src="/art/jonart/easy_muthaphuckin_e.jpg">
<p>An anime version of Edmon

<img src="/art/jonart/Jason.jpg">

<p>This is Jason chillin with his homie Alfonso in the gym.<!--EndFreetext-->
