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¤ Randall's Bio ¤

Ahh, so you want to know about Randall? Well DUR this is a Randall site! Okay, here are some facts about Randall...
Name: Randall Boggs
Age: Around 25-30 years old I think...
Weight: 270 lbs.
Height: 5 feet tall when standing on his fours
Length: 12 feet 6 inches from tail to nose (wait a minute, he doesn't have a nose... 0.0)
Scare Assistant: Fungus Oz (in the left of the picture above)
Scale Color: Purple/blue with speckles of lavender, blue, and pink near the head fronds
Eye Color: Light Green
A few other facts...
In the movie, during the bathroom scene (Mike, Sulley, Boo, Randall, Fungus), Randall enters the bathroom, not noticing Sulley, Mike and Boo cowering in the bathroom stall, and promptly begins to wash his hands. But Randall's arms are no where near long enough to reach the sink! The animators had to lengthen his arms A LOT to make that scene happen! 0.0
Supposedly, Randall's color-changing feature involves taking in the elements around him (a chemical reaction, perhaps?). But if you think about it in that sort, where his skin takes on the image of the things around him, if he turned invisible and you walked to the other side of him, he wouldn't be very invisible at all! 0.0 You'd see him... Standing there... So it might not be just a camaflouge technique of his, it's probably some really advanced invisibility straight from the Monster World... I have no idea. I'm just repeating what they said on the DVD commentary!
According to Randall Fans United, Randall once ate a kid's homework... Mmmmm, paper... *droolz*
This is a fact from Demonadramon: when the character designers showed Steve Buscemi (The actor who played Randall's voice) the design for the character he said, "Hey! You're type-casting me!" The director commented on the DVD version of the movie that there was even somewhat of a physical resemblence between the actor and his character. Thanks Demonadramon for your fact! ^_^

Do you have some interesting information on Randall that you'd like to share? Please feel free to e-mail me, and I'll post it up here and give you full credit! ^_^ All I need is your name and your info. Thanks a lot!
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