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Enter a Dark Lair...

Last Updated: 11/15
..:: You find yourself in a large cavern with no memory whatsoever of how you came to be there. It's dark and deathly cold, and you shiver. Might as well look for some kind of way out, you think, and feel your way blindly down the tunnel.::..
..::You've bumped into something. It hisses, and you hear its claws click against the stone floor. You grow sick with fear as you wonder what it could be...::..
"Who's there?" says a deep, rich voice that fills the cavern. "Hiding is futile, I know these caves front to back."
..::You quickly whimper out who you are, not wanting to get on this creature's bad side. He mutters something about a 'blasted torch,' and suddenly the cave flickers into light.::..
..::You can see that the creature is reptillian, with black scales. Yellow eyes glare out of round sockets, piercing through the cold air. He wears a dusty old cloak around him, covering most of his four legs and lower body. His arms are long and end in sharp claws, and there are jagged, bent spikes running down his neck. He looks as if he hasn't slept in days, and there's a gaunt look to him...::..
"Hmph. How do humans keep getting into my caverns?! Unfortunately, we're far from the exit... I'll have to let you stay with me for a few days until we can get you out. I do wish you wouldn't have woken me up, I was having a most pleasant dream, which doesn't happen often... Stupid humans..."

Stats and Such

Name: Traitor Kemzil Nagua
Species: Laczeerian
Age: Somewhere in the early 40's I think...
Scale Color: Black w/ dark gray specks here and there
Eye Color: Depends on his mood; red when angry, yellow otherwise
Gender: Male
Relations(?): Averlain (daughter), Semirgin (wife, who is dead)
Instrument(!): Plays the violin and knows some piano/organ music
Enemies: None yet, and hopefully there won't be any...
Allies: Kacetta Boggs and Caza Spellstorm
Likes: Darkness, cold places, soothing music
Hates: When he gets a headache, bright lights, screaming, taffy (?!?)

Brief History

"Bah... History... That's all anyone ever wants to know these days... My wife Semirgin died in a terrible fire, and my daughter disappeared two years ago. I am confident she's alive, and have spent all of my time trying to find her again... That is all I can tell you..."

Leaving? Good. Go now.

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