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Richard's focus will be the care and support of deacons, with a particular emphasis on personnel matters. Richard brings a wealth of personnel experience to this new assignment, having served in management for major corporations and consulting firms. Richard and wife Sarah live in Rockport, and have five children and eight grandchildren. ..
This link directs the user to copies of the calendar from a variety of online sources. The webmaster highly recommends it and uses it for his personal study. Keys for Kids is an excellent online devotional for children (and the whole family) which includes a link to the accompanying Scripture passage in several translations. The Bible Gateway is an online concordance and Bible passage lookup in the translation or language of your choice. Focus on the Family contains valuable resources of interest to Christian families.
, 1916 "The Day Genealogy," Genealogical Committee of the Day Assoc. , 1916 "The Day Genealogy," Genealogical Committee of the Day Assoc. I don't know which children belong to which wife as yet. of Deacon Zachary Fitch," NEHGS "Register," Vol 55, pg. of Deacon Zachary Fitch," NEHGS "Register," Vol 55, pg.
Sewell, 1983, Loyalist Bi-Centennial Project for Fredericton Branch of U. Dictionary of the Early Settlers of New England," James Savage, 1860-1862 "Gen. Assignment of children to each wife is not yet certain. Dictionary of the Early Settlers of New England," James Savage, 1860-1862 "Gen. .

another children site: http://www.zeit.de/statisches/impressum/zeitverlag.html
