- london -
Historie Center for Kulturforskning markerede den 3. november af praesidenten for National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam, Professor, Dr. CfK-konferencen "Kulturforskningens rum", Barcelona; Udlandsophold Lars Kiel Bertelsen, studieophold i London 20. dk Indholdmaessig redaktion afsluttet juli 1998 Web-udgave revideret 13. . |
McCarthy (Ordnance Officer, Northern Ireland Base Section) accompanies Services of Supply, European Theater of Operations United States Army (SOS ETOUSA) party led by COL E. . Chaney with temporary headquarters in the American Embassy, 1 Grosvenor Square, London 20 May Initial personnel assigned to SPOBS; shortly afterwards headquarters moves into permanent quarters at 18-20 Grosvenor Square, London 22 May MG James E. Chaney and his deputy, BG McNarney meet with the British Chiefs of Staff Committee to begin coordination 12 Jun British government signs a contract with G. 1) for the refueling and repair of destroyers and submarines - Lough Erne for PBY Catalina flying boats - Scottish bases are at Rosneath (Base No. |
For the artist, their rediscovery becomes the excavation of a lost geography, of an unfamiliar narrative of place. The atlas becomes an evocation of absence, an emotive revisualisation of a landscape which subtly destabilises fixed and universalised geographical representations and knowledge in favour of a more open, contingent and flexible approach to understanding the world and our negotiation of it. She continued to live and work there until 1983, since when she has been based in London. She has exhibited widely in the UK and Ireland and, increasingly in continental Europe. In 1995, she represented Ireland at the Venice Biennale and was awarded the Biennale's Best Young Artist Award.
For the artist, their rediscovery becomes the excavation of a lost geography, of an unfamiliar narrative of place. The atlas becomes an evocation of absence, an emotive revisualisation of a landscape which subtly destabilises fixed and universalised geographical representations and knowledge in favour of a more open, contingent and flexible approach to understanding the world and our negotiation of it. She continued to live and work there until 1983, since when she has been based in London. She has exhibited widely in the UK and Ireland and, increasingly in continental Europe. In 1995, she represented Ireland at the Venice Biennale and was awarded the Biennale's Best Young Artist Award. |
also look at: http://www.eyeneer.com/World/index.html