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" 1947 entwirft der Schriftsteller, Erfinder, Landwirt, Photograph und Designer Nathan G. 1956 wird einer der drei Prototypen in das Museum of Modern Art aufgenommen. " 1961 erwirbt Movado die Rechte an dem Entwurf und produziert die "Museum Watch". Noch im selben Jahr bringt LIP eine Kollektion der von Baschmakoff entworfenen Uhren heraus. Diese besitzen zwar ein mechanisches Uhrwerk, aber mit digitaler Anzeige.
. Atomic Carbon Collection The world's first atomic carbon fiber wristwatch. Atomic Mega Collection The original Junghans atomic watch. Available September 2001 Atomic Solar Collection Atomic watches powered by the sun. Eurochron Atomic Collection Affordable atomic watches.
RADO has, in the past, invited artists of international repute who espouse a similar yearning for excellence in art to create works that could inspire future designs of its acclaimed watches. Elements of style from these contemporary creations are incorporated into the actual making of exquisite RADO watches that are truly matchless. The company uses the finest craftsmen and the most technologically advanced materials available to mankind to make quality products that live up to the fine tradition of Swiss watch making. During the time the sculpture was created, the relationship between Max Bill and RADO became that of two pioneers working together to find out what is ultimately makeable, the use of new materials, and focussing on tomorrow instead of reminiscing about yesterday. First introduced in 1957, the brand name RADO has a very strong international brand image of a market leader.

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