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36 2 PL ATHLETE NAME YR SCHOOL TIME HT PTS 25 Casey, Erin 02 Fontbonne 10. 21 1 PL ATHLETE NAME YR SCHOOL TIME PTS 4 Paine, Natalie 02 Medford 47. 51 2 Girls 2 Mile Run 6 Lopatto, Janka 01 Haverhill 10. 52 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7 McCann, Jennifer 01 Haverhill 10. 92 1 PL ATHLETE NAME YR SCHOOL TIME PTS 9 Tsantarliotis, Amy 01 Haverhill 11.
Fergal Hartley picked up a hand injury in the first few minutes and Tony Browne was struggling with the injury he carried into the game. The only heartening news they heard in the wake of the Cork defeat was that Gerald McCarthy had decided to stay on as manager for a fourth term. As we discovered in 1998, a good run in the National League sets you up nicely for the championship. The more competitive match practice you get, the better a team you become. Bennett admits that Waterford have been handed an extremely tough draw for the 2000 Championship.
The last time I checked, I had subscriptions to Harper's, N. Review of Books, Martha Stewart Living and seven other magazines, if you count a gifts catalog from Oriental Trading Company in Omaha, Nebraska. It's like when you live abroad and find yourself actually becoming friends with the kind of person you'd run into at a "Georgetown University, Classes of '87" happy hour back home. When living overseas, you find yourself in bed with just about every American publication that comes your way. I never read The New Yorker when I lived in New York.

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