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The New Yorker and other critical voices hailed the young artist's 1990 show at the SoHo Postmasters Gallery as the post-'80s model of humility and diminished expectations. For that show, Landers-a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Art and Yale-hid his clay sculptures under plastic trash bags; in 1992 he showed a looping hour videotape of himself procrastinating in his studio along with apologetic letters to his student loan officer. show, "Thought Bubble," the scrawl of consciousness moved from yellow legal paper to large abstract expressionist canvases but preserved his excruciating self-doubt about premature ejaculation and painting. -handwritten autobiographical novel, Sic, about his Irish Catholic childhood in a small western Massachusetts town. The tall, pale Landers is often grouped with other "pathetic aesthetic" artists like Cary Leibowitz, Mike Kelley, and Jim Shaw.
It's about time I write somthin' in this guestbook. kinda of reminded me of vivian campell's tone on dio recording's. i thought they were kinda dry and didn't blend as well with the music as they could have. overall i thought this was a great effort and some jammin guitar work. when are you going to do that cover of "Underwater Pastor's Daughter" by the Baby Astronauts .
The thing of it was, Kevin didn't have any other skills. Demographic projections for Kevin's age-group - with modern medical care, preventative programs, reduced-calorie dieting and prosthetics - predicted a full century of active life ahead of him. That, thought Benacerraf, provided time for a lot of shit-gnawing. Benacerraf paid his wages, and tried not to think about his future. She didn't see what else she could do for him, or the millions like him, unemployed and unemployable.

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