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I obtained the article from a descendent of his here in Baltimore, Maryland. I have Murrays in my line but not these Murrays, so I would be happy to mail a copy of the article to anyone who may benefit from it. Bartholomew's Church in Baltimore, Norfolk, Norwich, Society of St. ..
I obtained the article from a descendent of his here in Baltimore, Maryland. I have Murrays in my line but not these Murrays, so I would be happy to mail a copy of the article to anyone who may benefit from it. Bartholomew's Church in Baltimore, Norfolk, Norwich, Society of St. ..
The page is furnished with lesson plans, activities, and links to related material. He suggests that the object is several times larger than Jupiter and lies 30,000 times farther from the sun than the earth, that is, around 750 times further out than Pluto in the direction of the constellation of Delphinus. The work is to be reported in a paper to be published next week in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Professor John Matese, of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, has carried out a similar study and reached broadly similar conclusions. His research is to be published in Icarus, the journal of solar system studies.

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