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Would it have made a difference if the executive director of occupational health and safety had even read the act. . The Westray Story Executive Summary - In Conclusion Executive Summary In Conclusion The conclusions below are additional to the observations and comments made throughout the Report. There is always the danger that when so many are implicated and bear some degree of responsibility the principal focus may be somewhat diminished by the sheer multiplicity of defaults. The internal responsibility system merely articulates this responsibility and places it in context.
Parry EXPULSION OF PUPIL MOVED BY Trustee Elliott, seconded by Trustee Clark, that, in accordance with Article 3. 11 of Policy E-4 (Students' Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs) and Section 23, Subsection 3 (Expulsion of Pupil) of the Education Act, student "x" be expelled. -Carried REPORT ON THE BEVERAGE SUPPLIER PARTNERSHIP MOVED BY Trustee Moreland, seconded by Trustee Brown, that the report on the Beverage Supplier Partnership be received. -Carried EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS The Board received as information, the report on Early Dismissal Days. -Carried PRESENTATIONS Land O'Lakes Communications Network on becoming a Smart Community A Partnership Jim MacPherson, a teacher at Sharbot Lake High School and the Coordinator of this project, was present.
The Monument and Park is solely maintained by donations and volunteers. It is some time since the Justice Committee recommended that the criminal code be amended so as to make sure that the kinds of people who are responsible for these kinds of events do not literally get away with murder, as is sometimes the case. The report released yesterday reveals a chain of obvious preventable safety problems. As project financier, Ottawa must share the blame for turning the federally assisted job project into a tomb, a mine so unsafe that eleven bodies have yet to be recovered, and a whole region in Nova Scotia remains in mourning. For six long, agonizing days Canada watched and waited, clinging to the hope that some might be found alive.

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