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Los Angeles County Museum of Art sculpture garden Back to Sculptures at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art . . Los Angeles County Museum of Art sculpture garden Back to Sculptures at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art . ..
About 600 works are on view in the galleries, plaza and garden at any one time. The collection's other strengths include contemporary art, European painting since World War II and American painting since the late l9th century. The contemporary period is the focus of works in the lower-level galleries (paintings, sculptures, mixed-media works) and plaza (monumental sculpture). The building's glass-enclosed ambulatories, overlooking the fountain, show the evolution of sculpture, from the 19th through early 20th centuries (second floor) and from Cubism through contemporary (third floor). Return to Contents Return to start of Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden .
At the top of the escalator at street level, cross Woodrow Wilson Plaza. Enter the Center's lobby at the left (southeast) corner of the Ronald Reagan Building. The entrance doors are behind the large bronze sculpture by Martin Puryear ("Bearing Witness"). Enter the Center's lobby at the far end of the plaza -- the southeast corner of the building, behind the large bronze sculpture. At the hall's end, turn left and enter the Woodrow Wilson Memorial.
The exhibition is organized by guest curator Lisa Lyons. . After a complex construction process in Seekonk, Massachusetts and a transcontinental trip, this sculpture will be installed on the Getty Center's Tram Arrival Plaza. It will rise from the broad expanse of travertine pavement on six slender legs to a height of 45 feet, its billowing form suggesting both a delicate fishnet cast against the sky and a human head in profile. Puryear's sculpture is the most recent in a series of works by distinguished Contemporary artists commissioned by the Getty Trust for key public spaces at the Center.

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