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Los Angeles County Museum of Art sculpture garden Back to Sculptures at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art . . Los Angeles County Museum of Art sculpture garden Back to Sculptures at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art . ..
About 600 works are on view in the galleries, plaza and garden at any one time. The collection's other strengths include contemporary art, European painting since World War II and American painting since the late l9th century. The contemporary period is the focus of works in the lower-level galleries (paintings, sculptures, mixed-media works) and plaza (monumental sculpture). The building's glass-enclosed ambulatories, overlooking the fountain, show the evolution of sculpture, from the 19th through early 20th centuries (second floor) and from Cubism through contemporary (third floor). Return to Contents Return to start of Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden .
The highly refined wood surfaces popularly associated with the majority of his oeuvre fully developed during his tenure at Yale University's Graduate School (1969-1971). In both his sculpture and his graphic works, form is reduced to simple shapes that define the essence of a given subject. Puryear's studious investigation of indigenous architectural forms from around the world appears to have informed many of his sculptures and prints. Puryear is an artist whose consummate skill as a draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and painter (particularly his painted sculptures) allows him the freedom to reduce forms to their essential structure without compromising the integrity of a given composition. This talent for seeing and representing the quintessential nature of form transverses Puryear's work regardless of his chosen medium.
Users should note that some materials on this site may be protected by U. . The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is hosting an exhibition of 12 sculptures which capture Mr. Puryear began his studies in biology at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, but soon switched over to painting and illustration and graduated with a fine arts degree in 1963. His early visions were to become a wildlife illustrator, so the combination of biology and art were perhaps not so strange.

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