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The readings are included in the course package that can be purchased from the office for undergraduate affairs in the Political Science department (SBS S-705). The office is open 10am-3pm on Monday through Friday. In addition, I will hand out in class a little brochure "Facts about Germany" from the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government of Germany free of charge. DSS will review your concerns and determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. Of course, all information and documentation of a disability are confidential.
. To order publications from AICGS, please fill out and submit this form. France and the New Germany, by Steven Phillip Kramer, 1993. Speeches for Our Time, by Richard von Weizsaecker, 1992. Andrea Huber, Guenter Knieps, Geoffrey Myers, Richard J.
"Heidelberg-Studien" - representative surveys of citizens of Heidelberg (1994, 1997, 2000). Deutsche Einwanderungspolitik auf dem Pruefstand, Magisterarbeit, Heidelberg 1995 (Publikation im Medienarchiv der Universitaet Heidelberg 1999). Political and Societal Developments in Germany 1990-1998. 2000 Wirtschaft und Demokratie im Spiegel Empirischer Sozialforschung, Akademie fuer Politische Bildung, Tutzing, January 2000. Wahlumfragen und Wahlprognosen, Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, June 2000.
. The FES was established in 1925 to honor the democratic heritage of Friedrich Ebert, who served as the first president of the Weimar Republic. Headquartered in Bonn, Germany, the Foundation's staff of approximately 800 maintains offices in 74 nations and is actively involved in nearly 250 projects in 110 countries. The FES office for the United States and Canada is located in Washington, DC. Foreign policy and security issues such as NATO and European Union enlargement, ethnic conflicts, as well as arms control and disarmament.

A good germany site:
