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This site is best viewed in high colour at 800 by 600 resolution or greater. . Strategic Consulting Group - Dr Peter Saul - Introduction An Introduction Expertise Career Overview An Introduction Peter Saul has over 20 years consulting experience in both the public and private sectors in Australia and overseas. He conducted research for the Karpin Taskforce on Leadership and Management in Australia on the impact of organisational change on the role of first line managers and how organisations could best help managers adapt to their changing roles. D in Organisational Behaviour in 1975 he was appointed as Project Leader for Organisation Development Research with the Coombs' Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration.
Anish Kapoor's black radiant mass pushing at the edges of the paper against a crimson background makes me crave a show devoted solely to the drawings of this remarkable sculptor. And speaking of artists known primarily as sculptors, Richard Serra's Torqued Ellipse Mylar I with its splatters of paintstick is just hypnotic, a fascinating mixture of markings related to his monumental steel ellipses. Other standouts with an edge are Rosemarie Trockel's head in the midst of some visionary experience, Alexis Rockman's creepy ecology The Evaporated World, and Nayland Blake's charcoal of a bunny head with holes. Miroslaw Balka's imaginatively suggestive portraits of two tongues made from pinholes and pencil makes Raymond Pettibon's array of small drawings look even more puerile than usual. The show is up through August at Barbara Gladstone Gallery, 515 West 24th Street.
School ended late for me and i had to return for work about 2 days after i got back to the us. So ya, I'm in China once more, and it looks like i will be staying here for a couple of years before i finish my studies in the US. My experience over in Beijing has been great, especially since my first language was a dialect of Chinese that sounds more Mandarin than Cantonese. I used to think (out of ignorance) that it was a Cantonese dialect, but that was when i didn't know any better. I'm hoping to put some links to Chinese pages sometime in the near future.

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