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His figures are found in museums all over the world. . George Segal George Segal George Segal is a world-famous sculptor who lives in South Brunswick, New Jersey. His figures are found in museums all over the world. .
His figures are found in museums all over the world. . George Segal George Segal George Segal is a world-famous sculptor who lives in South Brunswick, New Jersey. His figures are found in museums all over the world. .
.2000 George Segal gestorben Der amerikanische Bildhauer und Graphiker George Segal ist tot. Der 75-jaehrige starb gestern in seinem Haus in New Jersey. Gemeinsam mit Andy Warhol und Roy Lichtenstein gehoerte Segal zu den bekanntesten Vertretern der Pop-Art. .
"Daily life has a reputation for being banal, uninteresting, boring somehow. It strikes me that daily life is baffling, mysterious, and unfathomable. Dodge Foundation, and The New Jersey State Council on the Arts. ..

another jersey site: http://www.vernonschools.k12.nj.us/~cms/NewJerseyWeb/famouspeople.htm
