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(Keith Sonnier will be present) Exhibition from October 2nd until November 28th , 1999 Kunsthaus Bregenz Karl Tizian Platz, A-6900 Bregenz www. Although fluorescent light has been an integral part of his artistic work for more than 30 years, what makes Sonnier's work so special is the variety of material that he uses and their formal and topical complexity. The sculpture reminds of the artist's early textile work, but combines it with silk-screen prints of graphic work representing globally connected transmission systems, light- and soundwaves and international stock market prices. On this floor, the visitor truly becomes part of the installation. While walking around in the darkened room between the fluorescent foam elements, his colour-, spatial and body perception changes due to the effect of black light combined with fluorescent colour. |
Represented in museums throughout the world, Aycock is known in this area for her major piece on the University of Michigan's North Campus and a group of outdoor works she did for Cranbrook in 1978. As yet there are no drawings and no models of "the world-class piece of art that would signify a world-class city," in the words of Maureen VanDine, chairwoman of the Gateway committee of the Cultural Council of Birmingham Bloomfield. " Meanwhile, the Gateway folks will be out raising money for the sculpture, which they hope will be installed by the summer of 1997. Fund-raising ideas include a benefit for the opening of the historic Birmingham Theatre in spring and a Croquet for Art tournament in private gardens. .
. His most spectacular work in Europe is the over one kilometer long Lichtweg connecting different terminals at the Munich airport. In the series BA-O-BA, begun in 1969, still in progress and clearly characterized by this postminimalist concept of New Sculpture, Sonnier combines materials and motifs from foreign cultures with those of modern Western industrial society. At the same time he actively involves both the viewer and the surroundings in his works through the use of colored light in combination with shiny, reNULLecting or transparent materials. The works thus receive a progressive, open character. |
.it Contemporary Art Archives GENERAL INDEX - ART A . 345 6 2177 Soulages Pierre 1 1 0750 Spagnulo Pino 38 1 0983 Spalletti Ettore 3579 753 0744 Spazi-Da Brunelleschi a Fontana 245 0846 Sperone Gian Enzo 42 3 3197 Spitzer Serge 2 0980 Spoerri Daniel 692 4 0374 Spoldi Aldo 32 2 2781 Staccioli Mauro 33 5 0378 Staeck Klaus 3 1350 Stalder Anselm 2 1210 Stampfli Peter 3 1931 Standing sculpture - Rivoli 1988 206 47 2126 Starck Philippe 1 1850 Steck Karl-Heinz 1 0484 Stein Christian 21 1420 Stein - Galleria Christian 30 3094 Steinbach Haim 2 1988 Steinman Barbara 1 0943 Stella Frank 22 7 2140 Sterback Jana 2 2063 Still Clyfford 2 1894 Stingel Rudolf 1 1 0926 Stockausen Karlheinz 34 1330 Stoisa Luigi 11 0548 Stoppino Giotto 7 2077 Stout Myron 5 3229 Stratou Danae 2 2332 Streuli Beat 1 0148 Succa Francesca 4 0263 Suga Kishio 4 0982 Summa Franco 203 1031 Superstudio 102 6 1978 Szalai Tibor 1 3248 Sze Sarah 2 2 2627 Szekely 1 06-05-2001 GENERAL INDEX - ART A . .. |
read more at: http://www.smb.spk-berlin.de/mvf/s.html