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The sculptures will juxtapose the line of fluid copper tubing against a mass of blond plywood platforms and towers. Mara Metcalf will show ink drawings on rice paper and dressmaker's pellon and Lloyd Martin will premiere new paintings on wood and canvas. He holds an MFA in sculpture from Bard College, NY and has also studied at Rhode Island School of Design, Pratt Graphics Center and the Art Students' League, both in New York. He has exhibited his work in several solo and group shows in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New York. Mara Metcalf holds an MFA in painting from the School of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and a BFA in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design.
7 million for new Biology Building, skywalk and renovations to old Biology Building. . By Steven Cook The Daily Iowan July 23, 1997-A design evoking Iowa's covered bridges, with a large DNA molecule in the floor, is set to be unveiled Tuesday as the UI's plan for the new Biology Building skywalk. The plan for the design, created by world-renowned artist Siah Armajani, is under wraps until 2 p. Thursday, when it is scheduled to be revealed at the UI Art Museum.
Marilouise Kroker ist Mitherausgeberin von CTHEORY und, mit Arthur Kroker zusammen, Herausgeberin der Buchserie Culture Texts. Danach studierte und forschte er am staatlichen Industrial Arts Institute vom MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan). Seit 1972 leitet Mukai das Department of Science of Design an der Musashino Art University Tokyo. 1965 trat er als stellvertretender Direktor der Theatergruppe Seihai bei und arbeitete seitdem als Filmjournalist. Er ist Autor und Herausgeber zahlreicher Essays und Buchpublikationen.

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