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He critically explores the archetypal images of conventional cultural expression, and the way in which the emotional responses evoked by high culture relate to the culture of practical reality. The models and fittings he uses have all been developed on intuitive, empirical lines and have different space requirements and different lifespans; some temporary, some permanent, some conceived only as prototypes. In 1979 Armajani built a reading house in Lake Placid that is still in use today. Armajani's art is not based on the notion of the creative individual. His work is context-oriented; instead of abstract representations we have the dissection and interpretation of the individual features of a particular local geography.
He has exhibited his work both in one-man shows at the Max Protech Gallery in New York, as well as other galleries and museums across the United States and throughout the world. His other permanent constructions include Reading Garden No. 1 in Roanoke, Virginia; Reading House in Lake Placid, New York; The Louis Kahn Lecture Room at the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and NOAA Bridges in Seattle, Washington. next artist list of artists Go to Percent for Art Home Page .
He has exhibited his work both in one-man shows at the Max Protech Gallery in New York, as well as other galleries and museums across the United States and throughout the world. His other permanent constructions include Reading Garden No. 1 in Roanoke, Virginia; Reading House in Lake Placid, New York; The Louis Kahn Lecture Room at the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and NOAA Bridges in Seattle, Washington. next artist list of artists Go to Percent for Art Home Page .
He has exhibited his work both in one-man shows at the Max Protech Gallery in New York, as well as other galleries and museums across the United States and throughout the world. His other permanent constructions include Reading Garden No. 1 in Roanoke, Virginia; Reading House in Lake Placid, New York; The Louis Kahn Lecture Room at the Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and NOAA Bridges in Seattle, Washington. Donna Walcavage, the landscape artist, has designed a public plaza on the shore of the Hudson River close to the Ferry Landing on Staten Island.

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