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.11 M)or click here to view instant streaming options. His materials are drawn from nature itself and his works, like many natural things, are essentially ephemeral. For Goldsworthy, seeing and understanding nature is a way of renewing our links with the earth. Here we meet him in the Scottish countryside with Colin Renfrew, head of Cambridge University's Department of Archaeology.
.11 M)or click here to view instant streaming options. His materials are drawn from nature itself and his works, like many natural things, are essentially ephemeral. For Goldsworthy, seeing and understanding nature is a way of renewing our links with the earth. Here we meet him in the Scottish countryside with Colin Renfrew, head of Cambridge University's Department of Archaeology.
.11 M)or click here to view instant streaming options. His materials are drawn from nature itself and his works, like many natural things, are essentially ephemeral. For Goldsworthy, seeing and understanding nature is a way of renewing our links with the earth. Here we meet him in the Scottish countryside with Colin Renfrew, head of Cambridge University's Department of Archaeology.
.11 M)or click here to view instant streaming options. His materials are drawn from nature itself and his works, like many natural things, are essentially ephemeral. For Goldsworthy, seeing and understanding nature is a way of renewing our links with the earth. Here we meet him in the Scottish countryside with Colin Renfrew, head of Cambridge University's Department of Archaeology.

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