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If you have any other info to help me find the location of the actual Richard von Haas family estate in Prague and Vienna, it would be well appreciated. . I have also been studying into the back ground of my Grandfather's family, who were indeed, real life 'Baron and Baroness von Haas', and they also came from Austria and Prague. My Great Grandfather was Baron Richard von Haas was a fine musian and owned and operated the Music Conservatory of Vienna. Apparently they also had an estate that was suddenly confinscated and taken over by the communists during the outbreak of World War I, when the borders changed.
Application of nonparametric estimation techniques to the hedging and pricing of derivatives. "A Nonparametric Model of Term Structure Dynamics and the Market Price of Interest Rate Risk", Journal of Finance 52, 1973-2002, 1997. Editorial board, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. ..
The content is very diverse, and that is nice as well, along with some well known Spanish poets that we have all heard of before makes the book a nice keep sake. If you are a poetry lover I would get the book anyway, where else can you get a text with Andalusian poets in English. I would definately recommend WISODOMS OF ISLAM if you would like a wonderful book in content, spiritual odes, and real love. Certainly the frequent references to wine and love remind one that the poetry has an Arab origin. The poems witness Spain as the border - a moving border - between the Arab and European worlds.
The method that Richard Haas used to achieve this effect is called trompe l'oeil. This is a French term meaning deception of the eye. The term is applied to a painting style that is so photographically realistic that it may trick the viewer into thinking the scene is real instead of painted. The illusion of the Agronomy Murals is created through the artist's incorporation of the images of the surrounding floor tiles, window moldings, and architectural pillars into the paintings. Of course the illusion is also enhanced by the artist's knowledge and use of perspective, natural color, and atmospheric effect.

A site I really like: http://www.rp-online.de/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/www.rp-online.de/news/sport/2000-0815/haas.html/2391/Left1/rpo_eig_boe/boerse137x60.gif/3139352e3137362e3235342e313331
