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*~A Few Stories~*

One cold and stormy night Electra, Etcetra, Jemima, Victoria, and I were all huddled up in a big furball around Rum Tum Tugger. Jennyanydots and Jellylorum hadn't got back from exploring before the storm hit so the young queens were sleeping with Tugger for the night.
I woke up and saw Pouncival laying on his chair. I could tell he was awake by the way his eyes blinked.
"You're going to freeze to death out here, why don't you come sleep with Tugger and the rest of us girls?"
"No I like it fine here!" he snapped back.
"Okay, I'm staying here with you!" and with that we drifted to sleep. I dreamt about a human life long forgotten when we fell into this parallel universe.
The next morning Jenny and Jelly served some rabbit meat, the little I tasted was delicious but I was to busy staring at Dubblarsentalar, my ex-boyfriend, and Marapan, his new girlfriend, to eat anymore. He was feeding her pieces of meat like she was Cleopatra. It was sickening!
"Heppie!" I heard someone cry suddenly. Heppie was a Jellicle that had left us to go off with Quaxo. Ariving with her and Quaxo, rubbing up against Heppie's legs, as to hide from us, was a pure black kitten.
"You have a kitten, what's his name?" I greeted her.
"Her name is Aphrodite. Yes, if you guys were wondering she's mine and Quaxo's."
"Okay people," Munkustrap hissed to shut everyone up. "I'm going to assign everyone something to do today so ya'll won't bother me. All right, Rum Tum Tugger, Quaxo, Bombalurina, Demeter, Marapan, Tumblebrutus, Dubblarsentalar, and Carbucketty you will go hunting. Alonzo, Mistoffelees, Tantomile, Coricopat, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, and Macavity will go exploring. The rest of you queens except Sillama, Heppie, Jenny, and Jelly will go get water. Jenny and Jelly you will be fixing lunch, Sillama and Heppie you'll baby-sit the kittens. The rest of you toms come with me."
Everyone was gone so Heppie and I had to baby-sit the five rambunctious little rugrats known as: Aphrodite, Victor, Sarafina, Spot, and Marzipan. Really there were six, the sixth one was Tigera but you couldn't really call her a kitten, she was about Jemima's age (not old enough to have a mate) but was Misto's type. She was Tugger and Bomby's kitten and looked EXACTLY like Tugger.
"Let's go play in the water!!!" shouted Marzipan.
"No, dear, we can't the older queens are getting water, maybe we could take a nice long nap okay?" I offered.
"Yeah!!" shouted all the kittens at once.
"Cat pile on Heppie!!!!!"
"Oh, NOOOOOOOOO!!!" she shouted happily. We all piled up in a big furball.
Later on, Pouncival and all the rest of the cats came back. We ate some boar meat Tugger and them had killed. It was pretty good, but yet again I was staring at Dubblarsentalar and Marapan. Marapan came over to me.
"Hi," she said shyly.
I replied with a sarcastic "Hello."
"How are you?"
"You like Dubblarsentalar don't you?"
"Naw crap sherlock.."
I cut her off. "Can't you see I'm veeerrrryyy upset?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry for stealing him, sorry. I justwannabeyourfriend."
"Say what?" I asked
"I just want to be your friend."
"Cool," I replied and quickly turned away so she couldn't see the tears in my eyes.
The next morning after my restless night on Pounci's chair Sarafina woke us up.
"New Jellicles have come!" she said, as she leaped on me and Pouncival. We went outside to greet them. Standing in the clearing were two queens. One's body was black with a white V, like Misto and the second one was white with a black V.
"Hi!" they said in unison.
They both went down our line and touched each of us.
"I'm Zenon," said the black one.
"And I'm Freezezama," added the white one.
All of us chatted with Zenon and Freezezama then went to our houses to comb our fur and get ready for the day. That's when I decided to tell Pouncival.
"Pounci, dear, I want to tell you something," I paused for a moment. "I'm going to have a baby."
"S-S-Sill, how many months?" he managed to stutter through all his excitement.
"Three. It's due any day now."
We went about our daily routine until late afternoon.
"Hep, get Pounci and take me to Jenny and Jelly, I think the baby's coming!"
"Oh my gosh!"
She took me to Jenny and Jelly. Pouncival held my hand the whole time until the baby came. Jenny and Jelly decided it would be better if he left. When he got back I handed him a black and white female kitten.
"Pounci, your a daddy," I said in a tired voice.
"H-H-Her name is S-S-Sillabub!" he announced proudly although fighting back tears.
That night we had a Jellicle Ball. Pouncival, Heppie, Marapan, and I had to baby-sit the kittens, plus Marapan was pregnant again. After we put the kittens to bed we all went out for the Jellicle choice.
Munkustrap recited the usual, "Now, Old Dueteronomy just before dawn through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife, announces the cat who can now be reborn and come back to a different Jellicle life."
Old Dueteronomy picked Jennyanydots. We all watched in amazement as the blue smoke arose and quickly as it had appeared, it went away. Standing there alone was Old Dueteronomy with silver tears in his eyes.
I believe we all cried ourselves to sleep that night, but we all knew Jenny was happy wherever she was.
-Sara Williams
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