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I Can Cry Alone

I love you as only I can
but right now my heart is crying a tear
I don't even know who I am
who is this reflection in the mirror

I know you just want to help me
You want to hold me, and tell me its ok
But my dear friend
Today is the day...

I need cry alone
with my soul exposed.
I can complete this puzzle
without the door being closed.
I can share these emotions with myself
without handing them always to you
You love me, that is one thing I know
and my dear friend I do love you too

As I except the facts in my life
There are some battles I need to take on alone
I can be the strong one
Let me do this one on my own


I do love you too...

Sometimes you just need to cry alone...I was having a rough day awhile back and everyone wanted to help. "Whats wrong?" or "Are you ok?" It is nice to know people care, but sometimes we all need to be strong on our own. That is what this song is supposed to represent.