"Your Not Here"
For my Grandma;
Sally Louise Carstensen

Birds are chirpping
the grass is peeking through
Clouds are moving ever so slightly
Your not here to enjoy.

I hear the rollar blades past my house
I hear cars driving fastly past
I hear kids at play across the street.
You will never hear another noise.

I sit quietly at my computer
and just think of all you taught me
Think of all the memories we share
and just think about your beautiful face.

People tell me I look like you
They tell me your surviving in my eyes
When they look at me they see you
I only hope I make you proud, Grandma.

I look into the eyes
of your beloved husband
His crystal blue eyes cry tears
The pain all comes back to life.

I walk outside to the patio
I think I see you....
Then you dissapear
as if leaving me all over again

Since you went to Heaven
Alot has happend down here
We have enjoyed a few births
and sadly lost a couple soals.

Michelle & Ryan got married
They are so happy together.
Michelle gave birth to Paige Nicole
She is an angel- if only you could see her.

Justine & Darwin also wed.
They too have a baby.
A little boy named Joshua.
Wish you could kiss him once.

Dennis & Liz got married too
They have a baby girl
Abigail Sarah is her name
You would be so proud.

Trace has graduated!
I know you saw him from up there
You would smile and kiss him all over
If only you could tell him yourself.

Becky's mother-in-law just died
She needs your support
She needs your shoulder to lean on
But your no longer here.

Terri is pregnant due any day
Its going to be a little girl
Bethany is going to be a big sister
to the little Camaryn Marie.

Im sorry to have to inform you of this
but Dorie & Hank died this summer.
They were in alot of pain
so the Lord took them both away.

Aunt Mary misses you so much.
She talks about you all the time.
I try to keep her company.
I wish we could spend this time together

Dorthy is doing alot better.
When you died she was in sad health
But thanks to the Lord above
She has recovered and doing great.

I am going through alot too.
I wish you were here for me to lean on.
I need your smile- I need to hear your laugh.
I feel so alone, Grandma. I need a hug from you.

I want to hear your voice Grandma.
Tell me everything is going to be ok.
Let me know that this pain doesn't last forever.
Tell me not to worry, Grandma.

I will always fill you in
On whats going on around here
I will give the lord a message
and he will pass it on to you.

Things are forever changing
But one thing will always stay the same-
You are always watching down on me
Thats how I survive each passing day.

Story about "Grandma"
This is just a tribute to the lady that touch so many hearts. That lady is Phyllis (Sally) Louise Carstensen.
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