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Green Eggs And Ham…

People don't like who I am
Nothing special, just green eggs and ham.
People look at me with spite
Because I don't look just right.
My eggs aren’t yellow and my ham isn’t pink
They do not take the time to stop and think.
They do not sit and taste
They think I am a useless waste.
If only they would give me a chance
Instead of judging at first glance.
Looks deceive...
but you must believe....
I am good green eggs and ham!

Time and again I have been rejected- but if you would just taste me, you will become a fan. Why are humans so naive? They dislike simply based on looks alone. How can they judge me without even tasting me? You don’t understand how degrading it is to be talked down by someone that just looks at you with sour eyes. Sometimes, I want to put on a disguise- then after they do like me- I could take of the mask and show them who I really am. Maybe then, just maybe, they will accept me even though I don't look like I am supposed to.

Really I am not that bad. My looks may be deceiving and I know I don’t smell to good, but is that a real reason to judge? Please taste me and if you don’t like me then you may talk me down to all your friends. Don’t let me sit there and rot on your plate.

Little kids are the worst. They don’t like anything green and as soon as they see me they go running for help. Really, truly I am not that bad dear children and I am full of vitamins and minerals- please give me a chance to put a smile on your face….I want to make you happy and I would if you would just let me try.

Besides my looks, I know there is something more, something deeper that you just don’t like. Is it my odor? I can’t smell that bad…I live with me- I should know. Or is it my slimy texture? It feels funny, I know, but then again most ham does, can’t hold that against me. Please just one bite, try me once and if you don’t like me, you can throw me down that nasty garbage disposal- and that thing hurts! Please, just one bite. I am not asking for a lot, I just want some consideration to my feelings.

My life isn’t easy, people judging me by my looks. Its hard watching little kid’s eyes fill with tears at the disappointment of seeing me on their plate. Its not easy being an ugly thing that sits on a plate being stared at, taunted and deceived, but this is my life that I want to share with you, its not much, but its mine. Please just give me a chance and I will not let you down. I will just sit here and wait. Wait for you to come back and give me a chance…waiting…waiting…waiting…