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I want to teach my kids
Right from wrong
That is the reason
I am writing this song. 

Abortion is murder Plain and straight Show respect for others By never being late.

Never wear blue eye shadow Never get a perm These are all the lessons I had to live, to learn.

It is okay to smoke It is okay to drink Don't be stupid about it It’s not hard, just spot and think.

It's okay to be gay It's okay to be straight It's okay to be who you are It’s okay to trust God's fate.

It's okay to be strict With others and yourself Never settle for less then the best Simply, play the cards you're dealt.

Test other religions Study them and learn I want my kids to love God on their own Not just because I told them so.

Remember to always be patient The best things take time Things won't always be easy Get ready for the climb.

Sometimes it’s up hill The climb is tough But just keep a comfortable pace Slow and steady wins the race.

Sometimes you have to run down It’s not that easy, don't get cocky You will trip over your own feet You will fall to the ground, take a seat

It’s okay to know you're beautiful No, baby, it's not vain When you look in the mirror, don't lie. That is just insane.

Be honest with me I'll be honest with you We will be there for each other We'll always come through.

I want you to get bruises Falling out of trees Fall off your bike once or twice A few scraps on your knees

Never give beggars a penny Instead, buy them dinner Don't you dare think you are better then them You and him, you're both just sinners

Never give up Always say "Mama, it's hard, but I can" Be your toughest critic I'll always be your biggest fan

It’s okay to be in the minority Be the one to stand up tall If you are the only one that believes You're the only one that won't fall.

It's okay to finger paint It's okay to have mud fights It's okay to jump on the bed On those lazy summer nights

I want to catch you writing on the walls With your favorite color crayon Yes, you'll be in trouble But every kids done it since time began

I want you to get a black eye Fighting for something you believe in You stand up to the bullies Make them sorry for what they did.

If someone throws the first punch You have my blessing to throw the last. I want you to be proud of who you are In every moments past.

Please don't ever lie Or betray the ones you love I'll always know the truth And the man upstairs knows from above.

I hope you will like to sing A song will inspire Some of my proudest childhood moments We're in front of that campfire.

Don't hide your fears Don't hide your pain I've wasted too many years And too many hidden tears.

Have a lemonade stand But, charge just a dime Kids these days are charging a dollar It aught to be a crime!

You don't have to go to college But have a job you're proud of You can be anything you dream Life is just a labor of love.

Make sure you have older friends They will help you a lot as time goes by Be a good role model for the little ones too Remember they all look up to you.

I want you to be a McDonald’s kid! I don't care what they say That play place just rocks The best way to spend a Friday!

Don't start shaving to early You'll have the rest of your life to continue Don't start working to young Don't let your childhood pass you through

Oh and that ice cream truck! No, not every time Because you will not be spoiled You crazy kids of mine.

As you get older Dating becomes the game Don’t become head over heels For your first hot flame.

Don't break your break Just for some spare change You can't take cash with you Down into your grave.

Respect your elders Help them across the street Open up doors for them Be almost too sweet.

I hope you skip school And I hope you get caught It will only happen once After you're taught.

Have some quiet time every day Its important to be alone We all need time away Shut the door, unplug phone.

Please don't even try drugs Some lessons are okay to learn the hard way Others, you may not get a second chance Don't follow the crowd, dare to dance.

Its okay not to get all A's Just try your best How you live your life Is the ultimate test.

Respect your teachers They will do as much as you let them You are the flower But they are your stem.

If there is one piece of advice You need to know right away Tonight you must sleep with Everything you did today.

Have a bunch of girl friends Have a bunch of guy friends But whatever you do NEVER date your best friend!

It's okay to cry It's okay to have bad days It's okay to laugh All those worries away.

You and me We will always be a team No matter how much we are different We are more alike that it may seem.

This is one of those poems that will never be finished.  
I am a nanny, as most of you know, and these kids are my life.
Alex and Zoe mean the world to me.

But, as much as I love them, everyday they make me think of my own future kids.
Each time I look at them, play with them, hug them, I wonder what my kids will be like...
will they have have brown hair? Will they like to swim?
Will they like to sing? Will they like soccer? Will they be little girls? or little boys?
And every day I think of new things
I want to tell my kids, even before they are here...I want to prepare them
in a way for what life is going to bring to them.
My future daughters and my sons...I want them to know that their mommy
loves them already- deep down and from the heart- they are the reason