Private Correspondence~Read This


Hi honey!

I know how allergic you are to computers and I wasn’t going to bother you about this but…

Last night a man came over in response to the ad for my car. He couldn’t find my house (he called on his cell from the pumping station), his car was all bashed in (said he was just in an accident), he was sweaty (its only about 60), he is from New Jersey (said he travels around for his wire company), he said he wanted my car (that’s the good part I guess), he asked me to take him uptown to get oil for his car (I did NOT!), and he is coming back today with a cashier’s check.

Doc, he gives me the willies. In fact, I was scared being here alone last night. Maybe he won’t return. But just in case, I left his fake name and his fake New Jersey address on a piece of paper I tucked under the blender. If he kills me, you kill him, okay?

Now to the good part: I bought you something. I wanted it to be a surprise; oh I think I will just tell you. It is a very very elegant, beautiful, artful, Giant-copper-banded, brandy snifter with six feel-good-in-your-hand glasses. I tried to imagine your hand holding a glass and I think it will be a nice fit. I bought you a bottle of your fav to go with it so you can try it out right away!

I leave for Minneapolis in the morning, so I won’t be around when you return…back on Monday though for our picnic. If you really really need your present right away, come over and pick it up! I will leave it on the sideboard. It is for YOU!!!!!

Remember the other part too. If I am dead, then I am sorry that I didn’t take your advice about letting people that sell cars sell mine.

I wonder if you will ever read this letter.


Leave clues. Leave clues. Leave clues.