Private Correspondence~UR4ME


I’ve been seduced.

Somehow I have completely overlooked the value of daytime teevee, specifically the soul-opening genre called the soap opera.

Today I caught part of an episode.

It is too funny.

There is a witch named Tabitha, her consort who is a kid? midget? He wears weird white opera gloves and always speaks in the second person. Three warlocks that look like skinny, tall Ben Franklins with bad Silly Putty acne have the special ability to show visions…of the past? of the future? I am not really sure.

These characters are surrounded by a group of supposedly normal peeps…you know, those dramatic, awe-gasping figures who spend a lot of time hiding behind bushes so they can overhear private conversations, plot and plan, and act stoopid.

It’s all too bold and beautiful and Wurthering Heights.

Sorry I don’t even know the name of the show. It comes on right before Rosie, (3 P.M CST.) which I am sure to turn off.

Let yourself be consumed by pop teevee. Watch it! Be there or be square!


Occasionally do something really dumb.