Private Correspondence~Off My Feet

Mr. Bob Dylan,

I rushed to you twice last week,

days between one another,

a 10-hour round trip to Des Moines.

One more, down to Springfield,

6 hours from Chicago.

Grass roots, asses pinned to bleachers,

full of expectancy of you.

You walked on stage, years stacked behind you,

ready to feed the crowd.

I drowned in everything that is you

jittery and about to burst.

I inhaled you,

lingering on every word.

I sang with you,

mixing my breath with yours.

My eyes feasted,

me adoring the sidelong glances.


Yet now back here in Chicago

my light has changed from fantasy

to one of profound sorrow.

How could you ever have anything normal,

anything sit-on-the-couch boring?

We feed on you,

and you know nothing more than to let us eat.

The Never-Ending Tour.

I promise to stand in a mutable silence ,

wrapping you in perennial admiration,

no longer chomping at your fly.

Your #1 Zillion Fan

Write a letter to someone you delight in. They may be famished for your love.