Private Correspondence~Hisssssssssssss

An Open Letter To All SnotBall Stores:

Stop Thief!

Oh really.

I no longer shop at any store where I am asked to leave my bookbag at the check-out. Primarily because it carries the assumption that I am a thief. And I am not a thief.

You expect me to hand over my bag and in return you give me a slip of paper with a number on it.

Why should I entrust my bag to you? I don’t know you. My bag is full of my private, credit cards, checkbooks, condoms, a change of clothing, my latest read, my Walkman, a few CD bootlegs, jewelry, make-up, Pink Pearl body lotion, my meds, sketchbook, Winsor & Newton watercolor set (that cost over $150), photos of friends and lovers, chrome fingernail polish, sunglasses, a collection of expensive and well-loved writing instruments, concert tickets, emergency numbers, my cell phone, girlpads, my miniature 8-ball, my keys, and who knows what else.

If a store assumes it’s customers are thieves they should be boycotted. We will not buy from you. Simple as that.

So bye-bye to that cool jewelry store in The Alley, Toys R Us (sorry Jeff), Very Vinyl, Third Sun West, The Beetle Box, Marillina Towers, and Transmissions.

A Disgruntled Shopper

Write. Write. Write.