Private Correspondence~Page 10~June & Doris


How could u do this to me? After everything I have done for you! I took you into my home after that bum Antoine threw u out! I cared for Sally and little Gene on the weekends. I gave you food, shelter, my love and now you do this?

Since Cliff died you know how rough it has been for me...10 hour work days at the mill, hours away from Nicky, Peter, and Mary, and just making the mortgage has been hell.

You said you couldn’t work because of your back injury at the uranium plant. I accepted that. And I thank you for caring for my children while I was at work but, I don’t understand how you could betray me.

Give me one good reason why u would sleep with my brother-in-law! My sister has been as nice to you as I have. She even took you to get your teeth fixed.

There are millions of men in the world. Go fuck one of them. U dirty bitch!

And get the fuck out of my house by 3. I never want to see your putrid face again!


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