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~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.< >.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~ About animated ASCII:This medium is created very much like animated cartoons in the movies. Several copies of the same scene with subtle changes to create movement and the help of an animated program, creates animated ASCII. I have put one such piece of art on my site for demonstration purposes only. Animated ASCII is not an art in which I wish to create with. Unless of course, I apply for a job with Disney. I have taken my neighborhood scene and my car and put them together to create the below sample of Animated ASCII. I had to create about 100 frames of the same scene to show movement of the car, smoke from chimneys and garage door opening and closing. -For some reason this piece is best viewed with IE- ~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.< >.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~
Cruising The Neighborhood
Art by Lorrie
Animation by FinnO
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