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   / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   / \ / \   / \ / \   / \ / \ / \ / \ 
  ( A | W | A | R | D | S ) ( G | I | V | E | N ) ( T | O ) ( M | Y ) ( S | I | T | E )
   \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/   \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/   \_/ \_/   \_/ \_/   \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ 

~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~;@  PAGE SEVEN -AWARDS @;~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~.:.~
                 /\    /\                                         /\    /\
                /  \__/  \              THANK  YOU               /  \__/  \
               |   (__)   |           for supporting            |   (__)   |
               /\  //\\  /\       the world of ASCII Art        /\  //\\  /\
              /  \//  \\/  \       and honoring my site        /  \//  \\/  \
              \   /    \   /         with your award!          \   /    \   /
               \ /      \ /                                     \ /      \ /
                '        '                                       '        '  


04 January 2002 From: Jim Kirk-White...
"Your site has been presented to an international
seniors group on the internet known as the "50+
Friends Club", established in 1995. Websites, such
as yours, are selected for their interesting content,
classy design and/or helpful information, and are
mostly unsolicited. Thank you for making a great site."
(Duke of URL Classy Site Pick Award)

12 January, 2002 From: Faery Hill
" The faeries at The Faery Hill have
visited your site and have found it
to their liking. Thus they have asked
me to give you their award."
(Faery Hill Award)

13 Jan 2002, From: Webmaster Silesian Cramer
"Your web site is very nice and we are
proud to award it"
(Award of Beauty Maltese)

19 January 2002 From: Lynda...
"Your web site " ASCII by Lorrie "
has given much pleasure to us during the
evaluation process and we were impressed
with the standard you provided for viewing.
We are fully aware that much time and effort
goes into the creation of websites and we hope
that you will view your new Award as a reflection
of your achievement. We thank you for inviting
us to visit with you and for your assisting through
your website to make the World Wide Web a more
pleasant place for all who use the Internet.
(Otakou New Zealand Creative Design Awards)

21 January 2002 From: C.E.Laine...
"Your site has been selected for the
Artisan Studio Web Excellence
Award". It's a neat site ..filled with
original ASCII. I found it to be unusual
and fun.....everyone should take a look.
(Artisan Studio Award)

24 January 2002 From: Joanne Doxtater...
"I am pleased to present you with this exclusive
award. You are most certainly An Extraordinary
Woman with An Extraordinary Web Site. Please
proudly display this award on your awards page
or anywhere on your site, as you are truly An
Extraordinary Woman. Congratulations on receiving
this award.
(Extraordinary Woman Award)

14 February 2002 From: Susan Allred..
"Thank you for applying for our awards! I have
thoroughly reviewed your site and have found it
to be worthy of our Award of Excellence.
I was amazed at your pictures! I can only imagine
how much time it took to make them!

14 February 2002 Sensational Snow Globes
Third Place in the Snow Globe Valentine Contest
Award created by Bossett (Thank you)
                                        MY AWARDS                  
                                    :  Page One     :           
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                                    :  Page Four    :  
                                    :  Page Five    :
                                    :  Page Six     :
                                    :  Page Eight   :
                                    :  Page Nine    : 
                                    :  Compliments  :
                                    :  Home         :   