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Sausage Links

In reality, this page was mostly generated auto-magically by Angelfire
but may someday mutate into something interesting or useful anyway. But not today!

It seems that Angelfire won't allow remote access to photos, like would be nice for auction hosting,
nor direct file download, like might be nice for mp3 distribution, so what good are they?

Oh well, here's a link or two anyway...
"Not A Sausage"

Let's start with a totally silly site or two...

Extreme Use of Nearly Universal Cooling Hardware
The Doug Erickson Tribute - Now A Dead Link

Just a few real links...

King Crimson & Robert Fripp - Way more than you need to know.
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Wednesday's Suck was Filler - Victim of the Dot Com Bust

Okay, a final link or three for you...

Hunter S. Thompson @ ESPN - Gonzo Sports Journalism
Okay, here's where I work...
Marbles - A cute little game to kill some time...