Okay, so here's a selection of pictures...
Yeah, they're a couple years old by now, sorry about that.
Gotta get the kids to work scanning photos and learning HTML!
The Family
Lora having a cup of coffee in the morning as I play with a borrowed digital camera...
Whoops, that shot of me & Sarah seems to have disappeared.
I'll have to look for it later...
Meanwhile, here's a photo of her great-great-grandfather Frederick Marheine.
Peter and the sunflowers along the driveway...

Roxy (1987-2000)...

No photos available: Sarah's parakeet Woodstock, Matt & Peter's leopard geckoes Maelstrom & Tailspin and the current Fish population in the aquaruium.
Sarah's parakeet Billy died last year, too. Another birdie called Elmo was with us briefly but I don't have any pictures of him either...

Here's Dave, Ginna & Bob, December 2000.
Some Friends & Junque...
Schmidt Haus on Rocky Point and BCHS 73. That's me and some of the kids in
the water, Debbie and somebody, maybe Bruce, on the pier.
Interpreted as a fake watercolor by Microsoft Photo Editor.
Photo by Al McCoy.
Tom & Nancy converse... Photo by Murphy C. Overdot.
Some Of My Stuph

Miscellaneous randomness...
Some of this may turn into active links one day.
Any questions?
Hang by your thumbs and write if you get work. Maybe someday I'll
even learn to align the text and pictures and stuff.

Write me: hazydave+@+lycos+"dot"+com !!
One obviously removes such things as "plus" signs and the extraneous .dot. here and there
to create a valid e-mail address from a text string (belatedly) attempting to camouflage
somebody's e-ddress to escape the attention of address harvesting spambots.