Frazier Park Cooperative Library

What is this place?

Frazier Park Cooperative Library is a private charity operated by Alan and Susan Nicoll. We offer a variety of goods and services, including free books and magazines, an exchange service for video cassettes, compact discs, etc., computer software and sheet music loans, and free goods such as children's clothes. We also offer traditional library services like reference books and book loans. Our intention is to complement, not compete with, the existing Kern County Library branch in Frazier Park by offering different services and hours of operation.

What is available?

At present the Library has about 2500 books, equally divided between fiction and nonfiction, 200 magazines, sheet music, and just a few software titles, videos, CDs, and cassette tapes. Video cassettes, music CDs, and other materials are available on a trade-in (exchange) basis, or on limited loan, to be returned within a specified time. Reference books must remain on-site unless special arrangements are made. Check the labels on the shelves to see what's free, what's reference, and so on.

Am I eligible?

Free and exchange items are available to all, and no membership is required. Loan items are available only to residents of the mountain communities (Frazier Park, Lebec, Gorman, Lake of the Woods, Pine Mountain Club, Lockwood Valley, etc.). Identification may be required for loan items.

What are the rules?

See the back page of this brochure for rules about various loan programs. Complete written details about loan programs are available at the Library. Failure to follow our policies could result in loss of loan privileges.

When are you open?

Hours will be limited to 8-10 AM Saturday mornings, or by arrangement by calling us at (661) 245-xxxx.

What are your plans?

We hope that this project will expand to become a very valuable community resource. Future plans include cooperative use of musical instruments, tools, sporting goods, tape recorders, telescopes, farm produce, you name it. A future homeschooling emphasis is possible. If adequate volunteer help becomes available, the hours will be expanded. These things will happen only if the community responds with enthusiasm and support.

If a computer can be obtained, we will make available, on a reference-only basis, our set of the complete National Geographic Magazine on CD ROM, as well as the Great Books Collection, Monarch Notes, Learn to Speak Spanish, and several other CD ROM titles. Public Internet access is also a possibility.

I'd like to help . . .

The Library's most urgent need is for use of a garage, vacation home, store, or other suitable space, preferably with a bathroom. Even a temporary loan of space would give the library time to become known in the community and eventually find a permanent home.

The Library also seeks donations of books, videos, CDs, audio cassettes, video games, money, sheet music, clothing, chairs, bookcases, computers, software, and an Internet hookup. Transportation is available to pick up donations. At present, donations are not tax deductible.

Volunteer assistance is needed to allow us to expand the hours we're open. Legal assistance would permit us to become a tax-exempt charity, which would allow donations to be tax deductible.

I'd like more information . . .

Get answers to your questions or additional information by calling Alan or Susan Nicoll at 245-0610, or by email to In addition, a monthly newsletter will be published electronically and a web site is under construction. To subscribe to the free newsletter, just let us know your email address (postal subscriptions available for a slight charge).

Frazier Park Cooperative Library

Our Programs

Books, Magazines, and Sheet Music: