Great Books of the Western World

Aristotle (c. 384-322 B.C.E.)

Vol. 8 and 9: Aristotle

A web page by Alan Nicoll

The Works of Aristotle, Vol. 8
Categories etextcommentsextrasYear 5
On InterpretationetextcommentsextrasYear 3
Prior Analytics etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
Posterior Analytics etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
Topics etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Sophistical Refutations etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
PhysicsetextcommentsextrasYear 4
On the Heavens etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Generation and Corruption etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
Meterorology etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
MetaphysicsetextcommentsextrasYears 4, 6
On the SouletextcommentsextrasYear 5
On Sense and the Sensible etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Memory and Reminiscence etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Sleep and Sleeplessness etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Dreams etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Prophesying by Dreams etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Longevity and Shortness of Life etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, on BreathingetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
The Works of Aristotle, Vol. 9
History of Animals etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On the Parts of AnimalsetextcommentsextrasYear 10
On the Motion of Animals etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On the Gait of Animals etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
On the Generation of AnimalsetextcommentsextrasYear 10
Nicomachean EthicsetextcommentsextrasBk. I assigned 2/05; years 2, 7, 8
PoliticsetextcommentsextrasBk. I assigned 2/05; years 3, 9
The Athenian Constitution etextcommentsextrasNot assigned
RhetoricetextcommentsextrasYear 8
On PoeticsetextcommentsextrasYear 2

Miscellaneous Aristotle Links

Page references are to Great Books of the Western World, vol. 8 and 9: , Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952

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