Great Books of the Western World

Plato (c. 428-348 B.C.E.)

Vol. 7: Plato

A web page by Alan Nicoll

The Works of Plato
CharmidesetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
LysisetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
LachesetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
ProtagorasetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
EuthydemusetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
CratylusetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
PhaedrusetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
IonetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
SymposiumetextcommentsextrasYear 7
MenoetextcommentsextrasYear 2
EuthyphroetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
ApologyetextcommentsextrasAssigned 1/05
CritoetextcommentsextrasAssigned 1/05
PhaedoetextcommentsextrasYear 5
GorgiasetextcommentsextrasYear 8
The RepublicetextcommentsextrasBooks I-II assigned 1/05*
TimaeusetextcommentsextrasYear 10
CritiasetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
ParmenidesetextcommentsextrasNot assigned
TheaetetusetextcommentsextrasYear 4
SophistetextcommentsextrasYear 9
StatesmanetextcommentsextrasYear 3
PhilebusetextcommentsextrasYear 7
LawsetextcommentsextrasBook X Year 6
The Seventh LetteretextcommentsextrasNot assigned

* Books VI-VII of Republic assigned Year 4

Miscellaneous Links

  • Plato at the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, a fabulous site! Also a separate page for Plato's Political Philosophy.
  • Plato Wikipedia article
  • Plato article from the Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Plato and His Dialogues, elaborate site by Bernard Suzanne
  • The Philosophy of Plato, a lengthy essay from The Radical Academy (a Thomist Christian site)
  • Open Directory Project page on Plato, many links


  • Socrates Wikipedia article
  • Socrates in the Catholic Encyclopedia
  • Open Directory Project page on Socrates, many links
  • The Trial of Socrates at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. Includes relevant etexts (including Xenophon, Diogenes Laertius, and an interview with I.F. Stone).
  • Portrait statuette of Socrates from the British Museum

    Miscellaneous Plato and Socrates

  • Plato, four issues of the technical journal of the International Plato Society; unfortunately, not all in English. Free.
  • Stephanus numbers, the Wikipedia explanation of the numbers used to reference Plato's dialogues
  • The Last Days of Socrates, a Clarke College (Iowa) site with the annotated text of four dialogs (Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo), summaries, maps, graphics, quizzes, etc.; Jowett translations.
  • Greek and Roman materials at the Perseus Digital Library; includes Greek originals and much other material.
  • Plato at GradeSaver Classic Notes, has detailed summary and analysis of the Republic, plus essays, links, etc.

Page references are to Great Books of the Western World, vol. 7: , Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 1952

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